I have been thinking of revamping my website but would like some C&C first...
What do you like, what do you hate??
Anything at all???
I am in the process of limiting the number of photos in the wedding section...i even think some are in there twice (one in B&W one in Color, etc.) (have to talk to the web guy aka the husband about that)!
Thanks!!!! (hope this is in the right thread)
What do you like, what do you hate??
Anything at all???
I am in the process of limiting the number of photos in the wedding section...i even think some are in there twice (one in B&W one in Color, etc.) (have to talk to the web guy aka the husband about that)!
Thanks!!!! (hope this is in the right thread)
I visited your site and congratulations, there are some beautiful images there. Since you ask for comments i have a few for you: Your wedding work, to me, is by far the strongest in your portfolio. There are many excellent shots in there. I agree on you being more selective with the images, though. For example, you have a number of shots in the portrait section that are all of the same couple. Many of these shots are similar; I kept thinking you needed to edit those images down to the very best of the bunch. On the "portfolio" page I thought that central image of the pregnant woman was excellent - the landscape on the right titled "artistic" didn't grab me though. I didn't think it was of the same caliber as your wedding and portrait preview images. Some of the other images in your "artistic" section were certainly more compelling. My final note is that I found the term "artistic" a bit confusing. All of your work is, in one way or another, artistic. I was also unclear as to whether those images were for sale or were only examples of personal work. The wedding and portrait images were clearly done for hire, but the "artistic" images didn't appear to be. Maybe a title other than "artistic" would clarify this. These are just my two cents.
Thanks for sharing
Olympus E510 and Gigapan mount
Yes I do think the artistic section can be completely scrapped from the site. It is just some of my own personal items. Much of them were added when we created the site because we thought at the time we needed a section of more creative work. Now that my wedding shots have grown and also my portfolio in general I am defiantly going to scrap this section.
Do you (or anyone) think that I a website should link to the proofs site?? I just started using SmugMug as mine and think that it has a great interface. But would it give to much of an impression? To much for them to look at? (I still have to upload many images to SmugMug…the two job thing some times sucks!!)
Thanks for your C&C. Much appreciated!
D3, and other Nikon goodies
Shilliday Photography