Justi's "not as good as Davev" Glacier Shots

I've been processing a few shots from Glacier, and I know one thing for certain. It'll be a while before I get as good as some of the other folks on that trip. Also, Dixie is scary good at finding critters. Additionally, Schmoo is far too talented, and must therefore be destroyed.
I have come to realize that my quest to become the world's greatest photographer can only be accomplished by the elimination of all other photographers.
Regardless, here are a few of the more acceptable shots I got:
Mule Deer

My one and only bear shot:

Mountain Goats, or "why I really need that 400mm and TC" (thanks for lending me the lens Terrance):

What I might have entered in the LPS, had we the ability to access the internet:

Who needs grizzlies, when you have Grouse?

When they said the 10-22 was too wide for a polarizer, they weren't kidding:

"painting with light" thanks to Darth Nikolai

Big Chief Mountain

What Urban grungeshooters find, even in Montana:

I have come to realize that my quest to become the world's greatest photographer can only be accomplished by the elimination of all other photographers.
Regardless, here are a few of the more acceptable shots I got:
Mule Deer

My one and only bear shot:

Mountain Goats, or "why I really need that 400mm and TC" (thanks for lending me the lens Terrance):

What I might have entered in the LPS, had we the ability to access the internet:

Who needs grizzlies, when you have Grouse?

When they said the 10-22 was too wide for a polarizer, they weren't kidding:

"painting with light" thanks to Darth Nikolai

Big Chief Mountain

What Urban grungeshooters find, even in Montana:


Cave ab homine unius libri
You are so modest. These are great - especially your views of the land. I did pass by that abandoned house a bunch of times after I saw your shot of it but the sky was never that good behind it.
You got some awesome wildlife in there, too. I can actually, like, see legs on those mountain goats.
Sorry I didn't get to go shooting with you more but I'm glad that you went around with the wildlife Mastah. The only moose I saw was the chocolate mousse at dinner.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
These are the best photos of this set, Justiceiro.
The others are good but not that good !
Can you please give the links to the pictures of those you want to destroy for being so good ?
I would like to see their pictures.
Justi, these images are awesome....I just LOVE the grungeshack. And the light painting shot...wow, that is very creative and beautiful. Also agree with Antonio on the wide angle shots...beautiful colors and scenery. Thanks for sharing your trip with those of us who couldn't go!!!
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
The wildlife shots look real good. Try bringing up the details in the shadows and punching up the color in the leaves a little bit.
I love the shots from the cross location. Fantastic color and detail in the sky.
For the abandoned house, try less of a crop. Here's my version of the house. I like the way the weird sky overpowers the house. That's just me of course.
My photos
"The future is an illusion, but a damned handy one." - David Allen
Especially for when you want to shoot kids and puppies!
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
Great shot!
"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera" - Dorothea Lange
Glad to see you're back online!
Had a good trip back home?
Nice piccies!
Those mountain goats are so cool! I never knew they actually went up that steep hills
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
I have a debilitating fear of muppets!!! :wow
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
(why is it that everyone competes with Davev?)
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As Ric Flare would say "To BE the man you have to BEAT the man."
Any wrestling fan will know what I'm talking about.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
Amen Brother!!
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
Hence my living in Jersey City.
I definitely want to come to Arches next year, bt my cash liquidity is tapped out- the $300 signup fee already went to steaks at the lodge. I may need a month or so to recharge the batteries. Also, I may well be living in germany next year. Shootout in Berlin anyone?
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
The wife had the big dinner meeting with her potential boss last night, so it looks 95% certain that next year we will be in Ludwigshafen. IIRC that's about 4 hours from Berlin, Paris, Amsterdam and Geneva, more or less. Should be good shooting!
Here are a couple of more from Glacier. I need to chill out this weekend and do some more processing, BUT, given that this is the last fall weekend I'll be spending in the US with decent weather, Saturday it is Appalachian style smoked pork at Chez Jusicierre in Jersey City. If your in the neighborhood, drop by.
Wow wonderful landscapes!! This is the best I've seen from you (although I admit I miss the gritty tramping-through-politically-unstable-countries look that I associate with ya
We're actually in the NY/NJ area this weekend! I'll ring ya up even if it's just for a
(And congrats for the move!)
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
Who are you trying to kid:D ....There great images; I really like the wide angle with the polarizer I think it gives a rather appealing surreal effect. Great work, Peter