Prime Telephoto Recommendation

I have a 5D that I need extra reach on. I got rid of a 75-300 USM and got the 70-200 f/2.8 IS and the 1.4x extender. I used that combo recently at an airshow. But at times I wish I had extra reach. The 300 f/2.8 would get me up to 420 f/4. But I am seriously considering the 400 DO f/4. That would get me up to 560, but at f/5.6. Plus I have heard mixed reviews on the 400 DO.
Most of what I shoot is outdoors - some landscapes, people, sports. I like the flexibility of handholding, but if low enough light I carry a tripod (or monopod). The 400 f/2.8 is out mainly because of size & weight. I hike a lot, and bike around also. The size and weight of the 300 f/2.8 & the 400 DO are about the same. I realize I am giving up the f/2.8 but I will gain extra reach. In reality of course I want it all.
Moab next October would be a nice place to take whatever I buy!
Opinions? Does anyone out there have an opinion? :wink
Most of what I shoot is outdoors - some landscapes, people, sports. I like the flexibility of handholding, but if low enough light I carry a tripod (or monopod). The 400 f/2.8 is out mainly because of size & weight. I hike a lot, and bike around also. The size and weight of the 300 f/2.8 & the 400 DO are about the same. I realize I am giving up the f/2.8 but I will gain extra reach. In reality of course I want it all.
Moab next October would be a nice place to take whatever I buy!
Opinions? Does anyone out there have an opinion? :wink
"Don't ask me what I think of you, I might not give the answer that you want me to. Oh well."
-Fleetwood Mac
-Fleetwood Mac
40D body only: $1300
100-400/4.5-5.6L IS: $1400
400/4 DO: $5200
The 40D + 100-400 gives you the eqivalent of 640/5.6 on your 5D for $2500 less than the 400DO plus you get a back up body as a bonus.
Coupled with the 1.4x converter, you will probably need good light to get fast and accurate AF.
If you're going to all that trouble, I would also recommend getting a Canon 40D body for those times when even the 400mm+1.4x isn't enough.
I did find an older thread referencing the EF 400mm f/4.0 DO IS:
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Well, I'd rather not spend the $6000+ for the 400 f/2.8 either, but $5K or so isn't a problem. Kinda why I didn't bring it up originally as a deciding factor, but I should have mentioned it.
I hadn't thought about the 40D as an alternative. I had a 300D when I had the 75-300, so I had 480 reach (yeah, I know it's a crop and not really the same thing). I had had that lens from my film days and wasn't real happy with it anyway. Of course my 5D should just what a piece of cr*p it was, so I got the 70-200.
The 300 f/2.8 is $3900 and the 400 DO f/4 is $5200. So the 40D and the 300 f/2.8 would be the same as the 400 DO. Hmmm. :uhoh Now I have 3 choices after finally narrowing it down to 2. Thanks guys! :giggle
-Fleetwood Mac
You will really need a gimbel head of some sort to really see the quality these lenses are capable of capturing - I use a Wimberly Sidekick on a good ball head for mine.
I find the Tamron 200-500 gives me pretty decent shots at air shows also - on a 40D it really does have reach.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin