devbobo's glacier pics

G'day All,
Man, what an awesome trip...thoroughly enjoyed it. Still wading through all my photos, but here's a few of my favourites.
Day 1: Sunset, shot from the road to Duck Lake near Babb, in some creepy farmer's driveway

Day 2: Sunrise at Many Glacier...

Day 4: Inside East Glacier Lodge...

Day 5: Burnt out pine forest just above St. Mary...
Man, what an awesome trip...thoroughly enjoyed it. Still wading through all my photos, but here's a few of my favourites.
Day 1: Sunset, shot from the road to Duck Lake near Babb, in some creepy farmer's driveway

Day 2: Sunrise at Many Glacier...

Day 4: Inside East Glacier Lodge...

Day 5: Burnt out pine forest just above St. Mary...

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You are the king of HDR! These are fantastic and I really can't wait to see your other shots that I got a glimpse of through the week - particularly the sunrise over the little bridge at Many Glacier's creek/river-thing.
There was only one good thing to come out of Duck Lake and you got it.
It was good to finally meet you too
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
These are way, way cool shots. I like the inside of the lodge. In fact, if you
turn it on its side, it looks like a mirrored shot.
You are the master of HDR Panos
Muench Workshops
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Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
I especailly like the first and the last one. For that first one I had my camera set up maybe 10 feet from you, but none of mine turned out half as nice as yours, for the last one you really captured the devistation of the forrest fire.
Actually singh-ray should be sponsoring your photography. After seing the sort of images you were capturing at Glacier, I'm pretty sure there are a number of us who added singh-ray graduated ND filters to the must have list.
"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera" - Dorothea Lange
Dev, those are gorgeous. I can just imagine a nice big print of that first one... must be stunning. If everyone's images come out looking this good I'm going to have to avoid the threads from the shootout, otherwise I'll get even more depressed about not being able to go.
singh-ray baby...ftw
SmugMug API Developer
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thanks cabbey.
c'mon hurry while there is still room for next know you want it
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Too late mate, it was already booked up by the time I was even able to talk to the wife about it. Which stinks, because I love that area.
I absolutely love this shot!!! As others have already said a nice big print of this one would be amazing! Wonderful Work