
morning snappies

ivarivar Registered Users Posts: 8,395 Major grins
edited October 7, 2007 in Landscapes
I went on a little walk with my little sister (she doesn't like it when I call her that, so nobody tell her :lol3) She is about 10 years younger, but not short (5'11"), one of the reasons she doesn't like me to call her little. The walking was done in Hollandsche Rading, just north of Utrecht, the Netherlands.

To my surprise, we ran in to some highland cattle! (kind of ironic, as the average elevation there is a few feet :D)
I didn't want to get too close to them.

It was quite busy with people walking, running and riding around:

My sis taking photos...

..of the little lake:

About halfway, we found this little guy getting a tan:

hope you enjoyed, c/c welcome!


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    schmooschmoo Registered Users Posts: 8,468 Major grins
    edited October 7, 2007
    lol3.gif I love the mushroom shot. Wonderful light going on there and I hope he doesn't get burnt!

    You might be dissatisfied with the elevation where you are, but you sure have beautiful evergreen forests. Love the light beams in the the first shot.

    Are the cattle aggressive or just stinky?
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    ivarivar Registered Users Posts: 8,395 Major grins
    edited October 7, 2007
    Thanks Schmoo,
    schmooo wrote:
    You might be dissatisfied with the elevation where you are, but you sure have beautiful evergreen forests. Love the light beams in the the first shot.
    I'm not dissatisfied with the elevation here, I get my 'high' in other ways :ivar

    I also have this one as a more of an early-morning-dreamy-look, as an alternative to the first one with the sunbeams: 205216321-L.jpg
    schmooo wrote:
    Are the cattle aggressive or just stinky?
    Not sure of either one. I didn't want to test the aggressiveness, and I was wearing a red shirt lol3.gif There was a sign, telling us to stay at least 100 ft from them, not enough to answer your stinky question :D
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    schmooschmoo Registered Users Posts: 8,468 Major grins
    edited October 7, 2007
    Ooo dreamland! I have to say I still prefer the first because it has more contrast. I understand where you're going the misty-foggy look but dreamy PP treatments always make me wonder if my glasses are dirty. lol3.gif

    Your cows (or probably farmers) in the Netherlands are very fastidious - over here sometimes you can smell cows from a mile away. rolleyes1.gif

    And thank you for sharing - I love seeing shots from far-away countries. Even if it's normal to one person it's exotic scenery to others!
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