Looking and Smugmug API I don't see methods to search photos, say by keyword(s). Do I understand correctly that RSS feeds parsing should be used for this purpose?
I have this in the bio box below is all the code in the bio box
.reset {
margin-left: -150px;
var oParams = new Object;
oParams.feedURL = "http://www.smugmug.com/hack/feed.mg?Type=keyword%2526Data=statewars%2526format=rss%2526Size=Small";
oParams.randomStart = 'true'; /* differt starts */
oParams.borderThickness = '20';
oParams.borderColor = 'ffffff';
oParams.newWindow = 'false';
oParams.transparent = "true";
oParams.splash = "http://www.smugmug.com/img/ria/ShizamSlides/smugmug_black.png";
oParams.showLogo = "false";
oParams.clickUrl = "http://www.smugmug.com";
oParams.showThumbs = "false";
oParams.showButtons = 'true';
oParams.crossFadeSpeed = '250';
createSWF(500,400, oParams, "transparent");
<p class="reset">I like to shoot sports as you can see, but I can shoot other events. I can do custom photos, team pictures etc...If you want me to shoot for you or have any questions e-mail me at wz.photos@verizon.net.</p>
<p class="reset">+++ The watermark will NOT be on the final print.+++</p>
<p class="reset">Also check out our other site at HTTP://hockeyseed.org.</p>
<p>Thanks for looking.
ANd the other thing is if I put the keywork so it will goto different galleries ie...change the keyworks in different galleries to the same keyword.....
it will only show some of the photos in one of the galleries...and it seems to be the gallery that was posted first
yes, at this point feeds should be used for searching keywords.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Shout if you have any questions.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
oParams.feedURL = "http://www.wzphotos.smugmug.com/hack/feed.mg?Type=userkeyword%2526NickName=wzphotos%2526Data=statewars%2526format=rss%2526Size=Small";
and this line of code does work...
oParams.feedURL = "http://www.smugmug.com/hack/feed.mg?Type=keyword%2526Data=statewars%2526format=rss%2526Size=Small";
I have this in the bio box below is all the code in the bio box
.reset {
margin-left: -150px;
var oParams = new Object;
oParams.feedURL = "http://www.smugmug.com/hack/feed.mg?Type=keyword%2526Data=statewars%2526format=rss%2526Size=Small";
oParams.randomStart = 'true'; /* differt starts */
oParams.borderThickness = '20';
oParams.borderColor = 'ffffff';
oParams.newWindow = 'false';
oParams.transparent = "true";
oParams.splash = "http://www.smugmug.com/img/ria/ShizamSlides/smugmug_black.png";
oParams.showLogo = "false";
oParams.clickUrl = "http://www.smugmug.com";
oParams.showThumbs = "false";
oParams.showButtons = 'true';
oParams.crossFadeSpeed = '250';
createSWF(500,400, oParams, "transparent");
<p class="reset">I like to shoot sports as you can see, but I can shoot other events. I can do custom photos, team pictures etc...If you want me to shoot for you or have any questions e-mail me at wz.photos@verizon.net.</p>
<p class="reset">+++ The watermark will NOT be on the final print.+++</p>
<p class="reset">Also check out our other site at HTTP://hockeyseed.org.</p>
<p>Thanks for looking.
ANd the other thing is if I put the keywork so it will goto different galleries ie...change the keyworks in different galleries to the same keyword.....
it will only show some of the photos in one of the galleries...and it seems to be the gallery that was posted first