Looking for black "tuxedo" like photovest

Anybody knows where can I find one online?
I need something for weddings. All the photovests and jackets I can find are like tactical/safari ones. I need tux/suit-like fabric and less military-more dressy look as a whole...
I need something for weddings. All the photovests and jackets I can find are like tactical/safari ones. I need tux/suit-like fabric and less military-more dressy look as a whole...
"May the f/stop be with you!"
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Thanks, Andy!
EDIT: Adorama one is not available anymore :-( (that's the one Shay has, I think, and he sadi it was OOP, too).
As to the B&H "power" vest - my, for $500 I just buy a whole suit...:-)
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Buy a decent one and have satin pockets put in it - it will look much nicer.
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
it's not quite a tuxedo vest but it doesn't look as intimidating as my tactical vest (complete w/ sidearm holster) either..
- my photography: www.dangin.com
- my blog: www.dangin.com/blog
- follow me on twitter: @danginphoto
Dan, thank you
I saw this one. It looks more like a tac vest (which are plentiful still), I need something more dressy
something like perhaps? they can be found in other colours as well at: http://www.concealedcarry.com
full disclosure: i have no relationship with this company, i cannot vouch for their vests, but they do make handgun inserts for their vests...
- my photography: www.dangin.com
- my blog: www.dangin.com/blog
- follow me on twitter: @danginphoto
Thank, I'll check it out!