
Lost Lens

zvazva Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
edited October 9, 2007 in Landscapes
I left a Canon 100-400L lens on the banks of Two Medicine Lake a week ago. I spoke to a few people about my loss and wanted to thank Ben and David for their open friendliness and hopeful attitudes. I filed with the Park Service and the local motels and I thought I'd put out the word here as well. On the lens is a B&W 2 stop gd filter, also in the shoulder bag is a RRS Nodal Slide.


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    snapapplesnapapple Registered Users Posts: 2,093 Major grins
    edited October 9, 2007
    zva wrote:
    I left a Canon 100-400L lens on the banks of Two Medicine Lake a week ago. I spoke to a few people about my loss and wanted to thank Ben and David for their open friendliness and hopeful attitudes. I filed with the Park Service and the local motels and I thought I'd put out the word here as well. On the lens is a B&W 2 stop gd filter, also in the shoulder bag is a RRS Nodal Slide, of which isn't even paid for yet....!
    Thanks and stay focused!
    Zeph Van Allen

    So sorry to hear about your loss. The bright side is that you'll probably never lose another. Some lessons come hard.:cry
    "A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds." - Francis Bacon
    Susan Appel Photography My Blog
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