Pricing for Digital Downloads?
I'm new here, and also new to selling my images. I photograph horse shows and at the final show yesterday several people asked for the jpg so they could make a blanket out of them. My first thought was maybe they could buy this product through smugmug but it is not available. I don't usually sell my digital downloads, but there is one person that I am considering selling them the jpg. What would be an appropriate price? What form would they need to sign so that the image was only used for the blanket?
Sorry for the neophyte questions, I just want to do this correctly from the beginning and have a standard that applies to all my clients.
Thanks for any input!
Sorry for the neophyte questions, I just want to do this correctly from the beginning and have a standard that applies to all my clients.
Thanks for any input!
If you have a SM site. You CAN have digital downloads. You need a pro level account to do so though.
Take a look at the screen cap below of my account to see what it looks like. This is the screen that came up after I selected, "buy this photo"
To answer your question though. You need to ask yourself, "how much would I pay for this shot if I was a quilter?" I really depends on how deep the pockets of your potential clients are. If you only have 50 bucks to spend on a quilt and the fabric and stuff costs 30.....
NOTE: You can change the price of digital downloads from gallery to gallery or picture to picture. "Fine Art" digital negatives can be 500+USD though.