Problem with 40D and Ridata CF cards?
Anyone else having any issues?
I just had my second Ridata 8GB 150X CF card go out on me this morning... first one is already back at Ritek for replacement. Shot a ton of pics with my 10D on the cards with no problem... now, the 40D has killed off two in the space of a couple of weeks.
I lost a few shots, but not too many. But now I'm very concerenced about trusting Ridata cards at all.
I just had my second Ridata 8GB 150X CF card go out on me this morning... first one is already back at Ritek for replacement. Shot a ton of pics with my 10D on the cards with no problem... now, the 40D has killed off two in the space of a couple of weeks.
I lost a few shots, but not too many. But now I'm very concerenced about trusting Ridata cards at all.
But I will say, that I no longer use CF cards other than SanDisk or Lexar. I have had numerous failures with several different brands, and the loss and the aggravation are not worth the price differences.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I did not know that the Canon 10D could support 8Gig cards?
I agree with Pathfinder, but I try to standardize on the SanDisk cards myself (for Canon use).
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
I think the 10D has whatever guts is necessary (FAT32?) for 8 GB cards... in any case, I took thousands of pics with the 10D and 8GB cards. Some even turned out semi-okay!
Two of my cards I can return for a refund (minus shipping cost, of course) so I will buy SanDisk from here on out.
Two of the Ridata cards I'm stuck with so they'll be relegated to the bottom of the backpack.
Ah well. Live and learn and be thankful only 20 or so shots were lost.
Might want to try transcend from time to time I have found their 8gb cards for under $60 +s/h on ebay and other resellers also...but check the reseller at reseller ratings link in my siggy good luck and please let us know what the verdict on the Ridata cards is.
But, already credited my card (good on them!) and Ritek has sent my replacement card for the one I sent in (got the tracking number).
So, I ordered two new SanDisk 8GB Extreme IV CF cards which should arrive Friday.
Maybe it's a fluke? I asked about the 40D as I didn't have any problems at all with the Ridata cards in the 10D.
In any case, I'll give the SanDisk cards a shot. Now I only need to find the right insurance plan as I have a brand new Canon 500mm f/4 IS USM L lens sitting in my apartment staring at me angrily (as I've been too chicken to take it out to the beach until I line up the insurance...). Thanks for your comments.
Maybe your 40D has a problem and is overvolting the cards or something? I guess you will have to see what happens with the sandisk. I use sandisk and only had a few read errors with my 2gb ultra, but nothing like this.