black and white pic
Hi, I put in my gallery a pic that I made to b&w in PS and it looked much darker than in PS once I uploaded it. Here is the pic in my gallery:

Is there anyone I can send the PSD to so they can see the difference? (I made it small so it's only 2MB. I am thinking I may not be getting the entire concept of using the channel mixer. Please let me know if someone can help me out, thanks!

Is there anyone I can send the PSD to so they can see the difference? (I made it small so it's only 2MB. I am thinking I may not be getting the entire concept of using the channel mixer. Please let me know if someone can help me out, thanks!
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hi, thanks for responding. I have a psd file that I made smaller so that it's not too big, around 2mb. Would it be ok if I emailed it to you so you could take a look? It was not this dark on my mac and for the most part my color photos are turning out ok. I think I am not doing something right when I convert to b&w...
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Oh I see, ok sounds good.
Location is here. Thanks for your help!
See how it's all bunched up to the left? That says that nearly all of your pixels are dark.
Watch what happens now if we try to raise this exposure:
See all the noise that comes up? I'm sorry to say tha this photo won't make any kind of good black and white
I wish I had a better answer for you, smugger!
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Thanks for taking a look. Yes, it's very dark so I knew it wouldn't be the best quality. Just curious though, why is it I can lighten it up in cs3, convert to b&w, and save to a jpeg that looks much lighter than what I see in smugmug?
I have lightened up underexposed color photos before with levels and blending options in cs3 which I uploaded and looked the same on my screen and in smugmug so confused as to why it would not work for a b&w. Not the best images, I know, but something is better than nothing when it's a special event and I want to remember it