Photos on web --> SmugMug?
Hey all,
I'm a recent sign-on to SmugMug and currently have all of my photos backed up on my shared hosting website: I have ftp access, PHP, Perl, etc but no SSH or command line. The photos are publicly accessible via http.
Instead of uploading them to SmugMug via my residential cable modem again, there must be a way I can move them direct to SmugMug from 1and1.
Is there a little tool out there that I've missed? I'm sure that PHPSmug has the ability to do this quite easily, but it's been a long time since I've done any programming.
Thoughts? Suggestions? Entertaining stories?
I'm a recent sign-on to SmugMug and currently have all of my photos backed up on my shared hosting website: I have ftp access, PHP, Perl, etc but no SSH or command line. The photos are publicly accessible via http.
Instead of uploading them to SmugMug via my residential cable modem again, there must be a way I can move them direct to SmugMug from 1and1.
Is there a little tool out there that I've missed? I'm sure that PHPSmug has the ability to do this quite easily, but it's been a long time since I've done any programming.
Thoughts? Suggestions? Entertaining stories?
The API call you are looking for directly to do this is:
It allows images to be uploaded to SmugMug from a URL (and not your local machine).
I'm not aware of a utility to do this for you at the moment, but a pretty good list of the Smug apps out there is available here (at the bottom):
Lastly, are your pictures just sitting in a web-dir somewhere, or do you have pages of HTML with links to all the images?
I'm thinking from a software-point-of-view, how could it parse out all the file names it needs to upload before beginning.
kallasoft | The "Break It Down" Blog
I found a script that simulates shell access on my web server, and I've been messing around with to upload and update direct from my computer. I'm not sure if this will work as the script may time out before it can get anything moved over there, but it should be a fun adventure anyway. By the way, the script is called Ajax Shell Commander, and can be downloaded from here (
sm-photo-tool seems to have been around for awhile. It was originally named, was changed for obvious reasons. I found the most recent version of it here (
I'll post back with how it goes.
Oh, by the way, I've been basically mirroring my photo archive from my computer up to my website and then using a simple script called DAlbum to be able to view them from there. This has acted as backup and accessibility for my photos.
Now I want to organize them and that's where SmugMug comes in - seems great so far!
how many photos are we talking about ? And do you have related captions etc ?
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I tried to use sm-photo-tool from my webhost shell as I described above, but apparently 1and1 only has python 2.2.1 installed, and sm-photo-tool requires 2.3 or better.
C'est la vie!
I guess I'll just start the long, slow upload. At least I can just tell it to do all of them and away it goes... Once they're up there, it's pretty simple after that.