
Ch. 33 >>> FEAR

digital faeriedigital faerie Registered Users Posts: 667 Major grins
edited March 6, 2005 in The Dgrin Challenges
taken today (3/3/05), click for EXIF.... I'm ecstatic to have figured out that my camera carries EXIF functions or whatever, lol. :rofl

anyway, here's my shot at this challenge. critique and PS suggestions are most welcome, but please, try to avoid PS abbrev. if possible, I'm still learnin'. Thank you!!





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    AngeloAngelo Super Moderators Posts: 8,937 moderator
    edited March 3, 2005
    Wow DF, it hasn't taken you long to claim your position as leader of the pack here. This is pretty fantastic. I can't find anything not perfect with this shot. I can't wait to see what everyone else says. Congrats. clap.gif
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    Charlie BrownCharlie Brown Registered Users Posts: 199 Major grins
    edited March 3, 2005
    dude are you hiding under the stairs? that rocks. ok first of all, its in focus, which is better than any of my pictures. secondly, its actually displaying some sense of emotion, not some implied animal emotion-not that there is anything wrong with animals or pictures of them. third, black and white was an excellent choice as i believe it adds a depth to the shot that wouldnt be achievable with color. and finally when you see the pic you can actually tell what the emotion is, you konw the subject is fearful, there is no mistaking it as shame, love, happiness or constipation for that matter. i think this is missing from some of the other entries, and i believe its important to convey a very real feeling in a challenge like this.

    charlie-very opinionated.
    I can only hope to progress to the point of one day being a second rate photographer, wish me luck.
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    digital faeriedigital faerie Registered Users Posts: 667 Major grins
    edited March 3, 2005
    or constipation for that matter.
    rolleyes1.gif why didn't I think of that?!? I'm off to the toilet with my camera.

    I'm very grateful to have such an "opinionated" friend! iloveyou.gif
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    digital faeriedigital faerie Registered Users Posts: 667 Major grins
    edited March 3, 2005
    Angelo wrote:
    Wow DF, it hasn't taken you long to claim your position as leader of the pack here. This is pretty fantastic. I can't find anything not perfect with this shot. I can't wait to see what everyone else says. Congrats. clap.gif
    uh....wow. you just floored me. thanks!
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    Charlie BrownCharlie Brown Registered Users Posts: 199 Major grins
    edited March 3, 2005
    rolleyes1.gif why didn't I think of that?!? I'm off to the toilet with my camera.

    I'm very grateful to have such an "opinionated" friend! iloveyou.gif

    you might not want to say that too loud, as we might be accused of a dgrin coup, or perhaps a photographic jihad on the unsuspecting masses. im wordy tonight, anyone else notice that?

    I can only hope to progress to the point of one day being a second rate photographer, wish me luck.
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    JennyJenny Registered Users Posts: 96 Big grins
    edited March 3, 2005
    rolleyes1.gif why didn't I think of that?!? I'm off to the toilet with my camera.

    I'm very grateful to have such an "opinionated" friend! iloveyou.gif
    HAHAHAHA That made me think of this and I had to share it. My friend took a shot of my husband...and it just seems so fitting.
    Constipation aside though, your picture is amazing! Wonderful expression!clap.gif
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    AngeloAngelo Super Moderators Posts: 8,937 moderator
    edited March 3, 2005
    Jenny wrote:
    HAHAHAHA That made me think of this and I had to share it. My friend took a shot of my husband...and it just seems so fitting.
    Constipation aside though, your picture is amazing! Wonderful expression!
    Thanks for the chuckle Jen
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    digital faeriedigital faerie Registered Users Posts: 667 Major grins
    edited March 4, 2005
    4labs made a good point that makes me think I'll need to reshoot this. there's a glove on the door to the closet in the bottom left corner, it's black and dark and easily missed unless you already know it's there. this may help to clarify things a bit. a point was also made about the "dead space" to the right but I think it speaks to the situation, what do ya'll think? ne_nau.gif
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    AngeloAngelo Super Moderators Posts: 8,937 moderator
    edited March 4, 2005
    4labs made a good point that makes me think I'll need to reshoot this. there's a glove on the door to the closet in the bottom left corner, it's black and dark and easily missed unless you already know it's there. this may help to clarify things a bit. a point was also made about the "dead space" to the right but I think it speaks to the situation, what do ya'll think? ne_nau.gif
    Huh? There's no post by 4labs. What glove? and this picture is perfect!!!!
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    digital faeriedigital faerie Registered Users Posts: 667 Major grins
    edited March 4, 2005
    Angelo wrote:
    Huh? There's no post by 4labs. What glove? and this picture is perfect!!!!
    sorry, 4labs pm'd me, Laughing.gif. yes, the glove is in the bottom left.....see it??
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    Charlie BrownCharlie Brown Registered Users Posts: 199 Major grins
    edited March 4, 2005
    sorry, 4labs pm'd me, Laughing.gif. yes, the glove is in the bottom left.....see it??
    i saw somoething, but not knowing what it was was better, i just knew the subject was hiding and afraid. i'll lay it down like this. people, generally, afraid or scared of different things, so if you say have a shot with a gun being pointed at someone, while it is a very real threat some people might not be able to relate to it personally. the same can be said of your hand, while obviously terrifying to the subject, it wouldnt really scare me thus my losing some personal connection to the shot, though by leaving the glove or whatever it is as just "something" to the left everyone will think its something different and something that they can relate to being fearful of. its the hitchcock analogy, he left the violence in theminds of the people watching the movie, he never filmed a killing never once showed someone being shot or hacked to pieces with a chainsaw, he panned away and you saw shadows and heard gut wrenching screams, this makes it more terrifying because our immaginations konw our fears and play on them in situatins like that.

    damn im wordy.

    charlie-sorry for the spelling.
    I can only hope to progress to the point of one day being a second rate photographer, wish me luck.
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    AngeloAngelo Super Moderators Posts: 8,937 moderator
    edited March 4, 2005
    well, I see it differently. Yes of course there's "something dark" on the left just as there's "something white" on the right. Point is she's afraid and hiding. These are the things she's trying to hide among. I just assumed she had crawled into a closet or such. Why analyze this any more than necessary? IT'S FANTASTIC!
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    JennyJenny Registered Users Posts: 96 Big grins
    edited March 4, 2005
    i saw somoething, but not knowing what it was was better, i just knew the subject was hiding and afraid. i'll lay it down like this. people, generally, afraid or scared of different things, so if you say have a shot with a gun being pointed at someone, while it is a very real threat some people might not be able to relate to it personally. the same can be said of your hand, while obviously terrifying to the subject, it wouldnt really scare me thus my losing some personal connection to the shot, though by leaving the glove or whatever it is as just "something" to the left everyone will think its something different and something that they can relate to being fearful of. its the hitchcock analogy, he left the violence in theminds of the people watching the movie, he never filmed a killing never once showed someone being shot or hacked to pieces with a chainsaw, he panned away and you saw shadows and heard gut wrenching screams, this makes it more terrifying because our immaginations konw our fears and play on them in situatins like that.

    damn im wordy.

    charlie-sorry for the spelling.

    I feel the same way! I didn't see (and still can't seene_nau.gif ) the glove. Maybe my monitor is just dark? Anyway, I don't think it would still convey the same feeling to everyone if the glove was included (and seen). Just like what Charlie said, everyone knows what it's like to be scared of something, and the fact that the something is unknown just makes this shot so great! (IMHO) I personally,thought that it looked like your subject (is that you by the way?) was trying to hide from someone and the camera view is the person she is hiding from. Was I just really confusing just now? I hope I am being somewhat helpful. My suggestion...don't try to make the glove a major part of the photo.
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    digital faeriedigital faerie Registered Users Posts: 667 Major grins
    edited March 4, 2005
    Jenny wrote:
    I feel the same way! I didn't see (and still can't seene_nau.gif ) the glove. Maybe my monitor is just dark? Anyway, I don't think it would still convey the same feeling to everyone if the glove was included (and seen). Just like what Charlie said, everyone knows what it's like to be scared of something, and the fact that the something is unknown just makes this shot so great! (IMHO) I personally,thought that it looked like your subject (is that you by the way?) was trying to hide from someone and the camera view is the person she is hiding from. Was I just really confusing just now? I hope I am being somewhat helpful. My suggestion...don't try to make the glove a major part of the photo.
    oh good, I was wondering if it was bad to not have it more pronounced, etc. the girl in the photo is my best friend, stormie. she's subjected to my camera a lot. rolleyes1.gif I can't imagine trying to take this shot of myself with this setup....fuhgeddaboudid

    thanks you guys!!iloveyou.gif
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    Charlie BrownCharlie Brown Registered Users Posts: 199 Major grins
    edited March 4, 2005
    oh good, I was wondering if it was bad to not have it more pronounced, etc. the girl in the photo is my best friend, stormie. she's subjected to my camera a lot. rolleyes1.gif I can't imagine trying to take this shot of myself with this setup....fuhgeddaboudid

    thanks you guys!!iloveyou.gif

    not at all its cool the way it is, and by cool im speakin the ghetto fabulous slang cool, meaning sweet. and of course by sweet i mean the superb napolean dynamite sweet, meaning pimp. and ouf course by pimp im talking starskey and hutch's huggybear pimp, or cool...

    I can only hope to progress to the point of one day being a second rate photographer, wish me luck.
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    ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited March 4, 2005
    you might not want to say that too loud, as we might be accused of a dgrin coup, or perhaps a photographic jihad on the unsuspecting masses. im wordy tonight, anyone else notice that?

    uh,huh I did.

    Great photo, Digital Faerie! that is a real nightmare, either from reality or a scary movie. I love it as an entry!

    You are good. I don't know PS lingo either. I ask someone how they did something. I am more confused by the directions, or explanation, than I was by my ignorance.:):

    I don't see the glove, have driven myself crazy looking for it. Speaking of PS lingo, if I have to keep looking for that glove, I will throw around the little bit I do know.

    ginger (impressed)
    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
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    AngeloAngelo Super Moderators Posts: 8,937 moderator
    edited March 4, 2005
    not at all its cool the way it is, and by cool im speakin the ghetto fabulous slang cool, meaning sweet. and of course by sweet i mean the superb napolean dynamite sweet, meaning pimp. and ouf course by pimp im talking starskey and hutch's huggybear pimp, or cool...

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    Charlie BrownCharlie Brown Registered Users Posts: 199 Major grins
    edited March 4, 2005
    Angelo wrote:

    yeah baby, harder harder.


    I can only hope to progress to the point of one day being a second rate photographer, wish me luck.
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    Yuri PautovYuri Pautov Registered Users Posts: 1,918 Major grins
    edited March 5, 2005
    Some thoughts
    I like this photo, Tanna.
    We know at least two kinds of fear - unexpected, sudden fear, when we are scared by something we dont know ... and ... the one, when we know the consequences...
    /for ex: scoundrel-husband says to his intimidated wife: 'I cant beleive it! You did it again! You took my...' and so on.../
    This photo /for me/ is about the second.
    I'm not sure I can give advices to you, but...
    I'd rotate this photo (flip horizontal).
    Top right - bottom left diagonal adds more tension to the composition. I tried this in PS and must say this little trick works!
    Like your works, Digital faerie!
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    digital faeriedigital faerie Registered Users Posts: 667 Major grins
    edited March 5, 2005
    I'd rotate this photo (flip horizontal).
    Top right - bottom left diagonal adds more tension to the composition. I tried this in PS and must say this little trick works!
    Like your works, Digital faerie!
    gotta say this is a better version IMO. Yuri you rock!! clap.gifclap.gif

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    digital faeriedigital faerie Registered Users Posts: 667 Major grins
    edited March 6, 2005
    thoughts anyone?
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    SeamusSeamus Registered Users Posts: 1,573 Major grins
    edited March 6, 2005
    thoughts anyone?
    I spent 10 minutes looking at the two versions. Logically there shouldn't be a big difference but in the revised version the face just jumps out at you. In your original shot the face is hidden. ne_nau.gif . Great advice Yuri.thumb.gif .

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