Ch. 33 >>> FEAR

taken today (3/3/05), click for EXIF.... I'm ecstatic to have figured out that my camera carries EXIF functions or whatever, lol. :rofl
anyway, here's my shot at this challenge. critique and PS suggestions are most welcome, but please, try to avoid PS abbrev. if possible, I'm still learnin'. Thank you!!

anyway, here's my shot at this challenge. critique and PS suggestions are most welcome, but please, try to avoid PS abbrev. if possible, I'm still learnin'. Thank you!!

Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
charlie-very opinionated.
I'm very grateful to have such an "opinionated" friend!
you might not want to say that too loud, as we might be accused of a dgrin coup, or perhaps a photographic jihad on the unsuspecting masses. im wordy tonight, anyone else notice that?
Constipation aside though, your picture is amazing! Wonderful expression!
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
damn im wordy.
charlie-sorry for the spelling.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
I feel the same way! I didn't see (and still can't see
thanks you guys!!
not at all its cool the way it is, and by cool im speakin the ghetto fabulous slang cool, meaning sweet. and of course by sweet i mean the superb napolean dynamite sweet, meaning pimp. and ouf course by pimp im talking starskey and hutch's huggybear pimp, or cool...
uh,huh I did.
Great photo, Digital Faerie! that is a real nightmare, either from reality or a scary movie. I love it as an entry!
You are good. I don't know PS lingo either. I ask someone how they did something. I am more confused by the directions, or explanation, than I was by my ignorance.:):
I don't see the glove, have driven myself crazy looking for it. Speaking of PS lingo, if I have to keep looking for that glove, I will throw around the little bit I do know.
ginger (impressed)
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
yeah baby, harder harder.
I like this photo, Tanna.
We know at least two kinds of fear - unexpected, sudden fear, when we are scared by something we dont know ... and ... the one, when we know the consequences...
/for ex: scoundrel-husband says to his intimidated wife: 'I cant beleive it! You did it again! You took my...' and so on.../
This photo /for me/ is about the second.
I'm not sure I can give advices to you, but...
I'd rotate this photo (flip horizontal).
Top right - bottom left diagonal adds more tension to the composition. I tried this in PS and must say this little trick works!
Like your works, Digital faerie!