Corel PaintShopPro X2 Uploader

Has anyone attempted to create a SmugMug uploader for PaintShopPro X2?
I don't know how many PSP users are out there, but I've been using this software for years. It seems to have lost its punch after Jasc sold the product to Corel. However, it's still a very powerful piece of software that rivals Adobe.
I don't know how many PSP users are out there, but I've been using this software for years. It seems to have lost its punch after Jasc sold the product to Corel. However, it's still a very powerful piece of software that rivals Adobe.
I suspect that there a whole lot more PSP (dedicated) users than you might think. I have been running it since v7 and have never seen the reasoning for the mega buck PS. I too will be watching this thread for an uploader to SM. Although the features of X2 are not earth shattering, I decided to buy it for the habit value. $49. was not out of my range so I gave it a go.
I'm Canadian, eh.
I have yet to see one. And there's no reason why one couldn't be developed. PSP X2 has CVS & Webshots already built-in. Yeah, big deal. Back when Jasc still owned the program, they had Shutterfly built-in. At least that was somewhat useful for ordering 4x6 prints.
I just saw the post where SmugMug is giving away an iPhone for the best program that runs using the SM API. It should be interesting to see what people come up with, but I'm guessing that 80% will be for Mac OS.
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I agree. If you didn't see the post about the Picasa uploader, people were not open to admitting they were using Picasa. You get what you pay for. It's a free program and if it does the job, so what. Most professional photographers won't tell you they took out a second mortgage just to buy Adobe.
I don't remember the first version of PSP I used, but it was back in DOS on Windows 3.1. This would have been about 1994. Flatbed scanners were SCSI and cost over a thousand dollars.
Currently I'm using X2, but haven't had the time to dig through and find each of the features that have been updated. I have my favorite plug-ins and plan to continue using them for as long as I can.
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