Quality of Image looks not as good as it should be.
I usually upload pics to smugmug with original size(max 3504x2336). and I usually like to set up 800x800(let system does the math automatically) to link pics in forum. Unfortunately, I found the image quality produced by customized size solution looks quite worse than the fixed ones(small,medium,large). I wonder if it is normal or not?
--mfcboy photography
Are you blocking larges by any chance?
Could you link an 800x800 that is causing you heartburn - I'd like to examine the file, thanks!
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Hi, Andy, today I got a little bit frustration for smugmug, I did everything to support smugmug before( I always feel pround I am the pro user on smugmug, not flickr, even though their community is better than here)
check this out(http://mfcboy.smugmug.com/photos/206099813-800x800.jpg), it display much worse compared to its original one. the reason I chose to customize the size is, smugmug currently lacks really large size options( how can you imagine 451px x 600px as large size? on this point , Flickr does quite good, they offers real large size( up to 1024px on the longest size)
so the customsize, well, it's being upped from the -L, not downsized from the Original. So I see your point, with regard to portrait-oriented images.
Hang in there, SmugMungous is in the works.
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Hey, Andy, how's going now? is it possible to give a estimate time for that? thanks.
hey,do you know how we can use xl,x2l,x3l size? I can't find anything about this on my custom page. for example, I try to append "X3L" in the end of file name,but browser keeps loading endlessly.
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thanks for solving. now I understand how it works. If I am not mistaken, New images which's been uploaded or updated after the new size policy will initially generate 6 different size automatically. while old images which's been uploaded or updated before the policy applied will not take effect itself.
I have three more questions,
1. the image quality of Custom sized is same as pre-generated one? (are they retrieved from largest available size like original size?)
2. If I apply smugmug watermark to a pic. then I remove the watermark in smugmug, does this particular image still preserve same quality as it used to have?
3. smugmug watermark is real useful ,but unfortunately only applying to pre-generated file, for example, if you use custom-size file in some forum, anyone can save your pics which doesn't contain watermark. how can we solve this problem?
thanks in advance,andy!
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but this doesn't apply for custom-sized files(since it has to be generated in real time).
So if I link a custom-sized file in forum, anyone who can browse the page can save as my pics to their local disc(my pics doesn't contain watermark because they are not pre-generated initially in smugmug).
how can we solve this problem?
thanks in advance,andy!