Dumb Question from Me....

COMPUTER.... What to get .... I know the faster the better but , how about this from EBAY.... I will be downloading 14 MB files RAW and then doing what I have to do... Which I have no clue but , my G4 is hurting with the Tiff files from my Sony Point and shoot.... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=200158711686&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=010 This is just a reference.... Photoshop CS2 to begin with in my Digital Darkroom... This is all new to me.....
but the basics... image files are very large, so you'll need, in order of importance:
(a) plenty of RAM, 1gb at the very least, so that things don't slow to a crawl as you're manipulating the image. working on multiple images with multiple layers, you'll really want more than 1gb.
(b) plenty of hard drive space, depends on your storage needs, but try to keep at least 10% of your hard drive free - this affects your temporary work space and filling your drive will slow you down.
(c) a nice big monitor! with all the photoshop toolbars and sizes of images from big megapixel cameras, you'll want all the screen real estate you can get
(d) processor... to be honest, most modern processors will run photoshop just fine, it's really more about the RAM. With nearly equal RAM, I don't see huge speed differences from my old Powerbook G4 to my MacBook Pro, where the latter has a nearly twice as fast processor.
So in summary, get something that fits your budget, spend money a nice big monitor and plenty of RAM.
As to your ebay link for the Pro, based on your question, you don't sound like a pro, I would say you really don't NEED a quad-core processor for photos. Wouldn't your money be better spent on a complete package? For that kind of money, you can get the top of the line 24" imac.
And FWIW, if you're buying Apple, I would always buy direct from Apple. the $50 you save on ebay or from a reseller isn't worth the possible hassle, again, just personal opinion, but Apple's sales service has done me right many times over.
CS3 has some REALLY big advantages over CS2, that I cannot imagine choosing to use CS2 except under duress. I usually hate Adobe's upgrades and extortions, but this upgrade is very worthwhile.
Adobe Raw Convertor 4.1 is heads and shoulders better than the version in CS2. The Highlight Recovery and Fill Sliders are absent in CS2 and would be sorely missed. The Clarity and Vibrance sliders get frequent use also.
I do not mean to step on delicate feelings here re CS2 vs CS3, but this has been the opinion of a large number of pros as well.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I agree, and would add that their refurbs are a good way to save money.
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Anyway... that should be a very good computer for editing. It would run Lightroom or Aperture nicely. As for Photoshop... you'd want CS3 as it will be roughly 3x as fast as CS2 on that machine (CS2 is PowerPC native, CS3 is also Intel native, and that makes a huge difference).
2 GB of RAM will be okay... if you are running LR and Photoshop at the same time you may want 4 GB of RAM in which case you can buy it later (very, very easy to install).
That machine will have legs for years. So much faster than your G4 it's not even funny.
As far as warranty, etc., it has AppleCare so as long as the seller properly transfers it to you (they have to send in a form to Apple) you should be just fine.
I didn't mean anything by the "you don't sound like a Pro"... just pointing out that unless photo/video processing are the real core of your business or time, your money is better spent on a big monitor and RAM than on super fast processors.
Refurb Mac Pro Quad 2.0 GHz/1 GB RAM/250GB HD/16x Superdrive/NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT graphics with 256MB memory for $1899
-- or --
Refurb Mac Pro Quad 3.0 GHz/2 GB ram/250 GB HD/16x Superdrive/ATI Radeon X1900 XT with 512MB memory for $3299.
Just add RAM from somewhere else OWC etc.
Good deals on previous generation iMacs 20" for $1099 or 24" for $1449.