Add thumbs to StatCounter with GreaseMonkey

NimaiNimai Registered Users Posts: 564 Major grins
*** Update code August 13, 2008 thanks to JFriend ***

Here's a GreaseMonkey script that will add thumbnails to the detail pages of StatCounter, for you StatCounter hawks.

Makes it look like this, so you won't have to click to see what's being looked at! :thumb

Here's the code, or install straight from my scripts on
// ==UserScript==
// @namespace
// @name          StatCounter SmugMug Thumbs
// @description   Adds thumbnails to the detailed view of StatCounter
// @include       http://**
// ==/UserScript==

// Update on Aug 11, 200 by John Friend
// Modified script so it works with any domain, including custom domains
// Added support for image Keys so it works with new galleries that required image Keys
// Added support for a number of addition URL formats that didn't previously work
// Added a thumbnail display for URLs that only have a gallery ID and key in them (and made them left aligned to distinguish them)
// Removed support for URLs that do not have an imageKey in them (they would only work on old galleries anyway)
// Added support for date query URLs that have an imageID and imageKey
// Combined popular, date and keyword regEx into one common expression

function getElementsByClass(searchClass,node,tag) {
  var classElements = new Array();
  if (node == null)
    node = document;
  if (tag == null)
    tag = '*';
  var els = node.getElementsByTagName(tag);
  var elsLen = els.length;
  var pattern = new RegExp("(^|\\s)"+searchClass+"(\\s|$)");
  for (i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++) {
    if (pattern.test(els[i].className) ) {
      classElements[j] = els[i];
  return classElements;

var imgRegExp = new RegExp('(^[^/]+/)(?:gallery/[0-9]+_[0-9a-zA-Z]+(?:#|/[0-9]+/)([0-9]+_[0-9a-zA-Z]+)|(?:popular|date|keyword)/.*(?:#|/)([0-9]+_[0-9a-zA-Z]+)(?:(?:/|\-)[A-Za-z\-]+)*$)');
var galleryRegExp = new RegExp('(^[^/]+/)(?:gallery(/[0-9]+_[0-9a-zA-Z]+)(?:$|#P[\-0-9]+$))');

var cells = getElementsByClass( 'tableContent1Left|tableContent2Left' );
for( i=2; i<cells.length; i+=3 ) {
   var links = cells[i].getElementsByTagName('a');
   var link = links?((links.length>1)?links[1]:links[0]):null;
   if( link ) {
      var imgID = imgRegExp.exec( link.textContent );
      if (!imgID) {
          imgID = galleryRegExp.exec( link.textContent );
      if( imgID ) {
         var host = imgID[1];
         // get the first match from the array that isn't null
         var ID = imgID[2]?imgID[2]:imgID[3];
         var ID = ID?ID:imgID[4];
         if (ID) {
           host = imgID[1];
           var thumb = document.createElement('img');
           // if ID starts with a / char, then it's a gallery ID
           if (ID.substr(0,1) == "/") {
               ID = ID.substr(1);                // remove leading slash
               var splitStr = ID.split("_");     // split id and key apart
               thumb.setAttribute( 'src', 'http://' + host + 'photos/' + splitStr[0] + '&Size=Tiny&AlbumKey=' + splitStr[1] + '&rand=1');
               thumb.setAttribute( 'align', 'left' );
           } else {
               thumb.setAttribute( 'src', 'http://'+host+'photos/'+ID+'-Ti.jpg');
               thumb.setAttribute( 'align', 'right' );
           thumb.setAttribute( 'border', '0' );
           thumb.setAttribute( 'alt', '' );
           var img = cells[i].getElementsByTagName('img');
           if( img && img[0] ) cells[i].removeChild( img[0] );
           cells[i].appendChild( thumb );

// sub-expressions
// 342986767_gsLLX                                    [0-9]+_[0-9a-zA-Z]+                                                   // image ID and key
// 342986767_gsLLX at end                             ([0-9]+_[0-9a-zA-Z]+)$                                                // image ID and key at end of the URL
//                        ^http://[^/]+/                                                        // http://domain
//                               ^[^/]+/                                                               // domain
// gallery/5589651_rU4bA                              gallery/[0-9]+_[0-9a-zA-Z]+                                           // gallery number
// gallery/5589651_rU4bA/1/342986767_gsLLX            or
// gallery/5589651_rU4bA/3/342986476_YYeu6/Medium     or
// gallery/5589651_rU4bA#342971777_3GE8Q              or
// gallery/5589651_rU4bA#342992308_jm3Wg-A-LB         or
// gallery/879690_N8UHS/2/66770280_dRonw#P-2-25       gallery/[0-9]+_[0-9a-zA-Z]+(?:#|/[0-9]+/)([0-9]+_[0-9a-zA-Z]+)        // gallery/gallery_number imageID_imageKey
// gallery/5589651_rU4bA#P-4-12                       gallery(/[0-9]+_[0-9a-zA-Z]+)#P[\-0-9]+$                              // just a gallery ID with gallery Key, we include leading slash on matched result so we can tell it's a gallery ID in the code
// gallery/5589651_rU4bA                              gallery(/[0-9]+_[0-9a-zA-Z]+)$

// Way to get random thumb for a gallery:

//Supported URL types:

// URL types that can't work except on old galleries because there's no image key

// URL types that can't work because there's no imageID
I haven't tried this with anyone else's StatCounter and SmugMug accounts, so if you do use it and find any problems, or just want to give it a thumbs-up, please respond to this thread.


  • ivarivar Registered Users Posts: 8,395 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2007
    bowdown.gif Very cool, works fine thumb.gif I just changed the include link to work for my pages.


    Any chance you can get it to work with the links to the singleImage style and keywords as well? mwink.gif
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2007
    ivar wrote:
    bowdown.gif Very cool, works fine thumb.gif I just changed the include link to work for my pages.
    Ok, where's this include link and how do we apply it?:D

    Wow! That's realy neat Nimai. Thanks.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • NimaiNimai Registered Users Posts: 564 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2007
    You shouldn't need to change anything. I tried to avoid any specific reference to my SmugMug account in the script, except for the namespace, which I think is only used for unique-ification of scripts.
    Glad to see there's some interest in this! :D

    I'll reply here when I get popular and keyword links working too.
  • NimaiNimai Registered Users Posts: 564 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2007
    Some RegExp tweaks, and now it should work for popular and keyword hits too.

    Code has been updated in the initial post. Thanks for the suggestion!
  • ivarivar Registered Users Posts: 8,395 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2007
    Nimai wrote:
    You shouldn't need to change anything. I tried to avoid any specific reference to my SmugMug account in the script, except for the namespace, which I think is only used for unique-ification of scripts.
    Glad to see there's some interest in this! :D
    I had to change the include from http://** to http://** to work. I don't have the magnify in my url? It may be because I have multiple projects set up?
  • ivarivar Registered Users Posts: 8,395 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2007
    Nimai wrote:
    Some RegExp tweaks, and now it should work for popular and keyword hits too.

    Code has been updated in the initial post. Thanks for the suggestion!
    popular wings.gif
    keywords :cry
  • NimaiNimai Registered Users Posts: 564 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2007
    ivar wrote:
    popular wings.gif
    keywords :cry
    Haha- nice.

    Well, I went ahead just now and changed the @include to take out the magnify. As for the keywords... Mine are showing up like this:


    I see your's are showing up with a # before the image id.


    I tried to make the RegExp accomodating of both, but I didn't have a #-style page to test against... I'll keep you posted.
  • NimaiNimai Registered Users Posts: 564 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2007
    ivar - could you try the code that's up there now? There was about a 60 second window when I first updated the code, then immediately found I needed to change something, and updated it again hoping maybe no one noticed. ;) Maybe you got it in that time!
    I just tried the script with a URL from your gallery, and I got a thumb, so I'm hoping it works now.
  • ivarivar Registered Users Posts: 8,395 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2007
    Nimai wrote:
    but I didn't have a #-style page to test against...
    You should now mwink.gif
  • ivarivar Registered Users Posts: 8,395 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2007
    Nimai wrote:
    ivar - could you try the code that's up there now? There was about a 60 second window when I first updated the code, then immediately found I needed to change something, and updated it again hoping maybe no one noticed. ;) Maybe you got it in that time!
    I just tried the script with a URL from your gallery, and I got a thumb, so I'm hoping it works now.

    Nice work!
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2007
    Guessing links in before adding js wil not have thumbs.
    Waiting is hard.:D

    And just updated to latest js.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2007
    Nope, none showing Ivar. Must be something I'm not doing.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • ivarivar Registered Users Posts: 8,395 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2007
    Allen wrote:
    Guessing links in before adding js wil not have thumbs.
    Waiting is hard.:D

    And just updated to latest js.
    Greasemonkey deal.gif
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2007
    ivar wrote:
    Guess I don't understand any of this, gota install it huh?

    Edit: installed and enabled, now what? wait? :D
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • ivarivar Registered Users Posts: 8,395 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2007
    Allen wrote:
    Guess I don't understand any of this, gota install it huh?
    Yep, install it, it's a firefox addon.

    It lives in tools menu.
    Add a new script, use the above code thumb.gif
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2007
    ivar wrote:
    Yep, install it, it's a firefox addon.

    It lives in tools menu.
    Add a new script, use the above code thumb.gif
    Oh! I put that in my js, not right? Need to add new GM user script?
    Not sure how to do that.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • ivarivar Registered Users Posts: 8,395 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2007
    Allen wrote:
    Oh! I put that in my js, not right?
    right, not right :D
    Allen wrote:
    Need to add new GM user script? Not sure how to do that.
    In Firefox, Tools>Greasemonkey>New user script

    The first time you may need to associate GM with a texteditor. Use notepad (windows) or texteditor (mac) or similar. It will automatically ask for this if I remember correctly.
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2007
    ivar wrote:
    right, not right :D

    In Firefox, Tools>Greasemonkey>New user script

    The first time you may need to associate GM with a texteditor. Use notepad (windows) or texteditor (mac) or similar. It will automatically ask for this if I remember correctly.
    " associate GM with a texteditor" lost me

    I assume I go to the statcounter page and pick "new user script" so it's
    assocaited with that page or site? The magnifiy page or summary page?

    The popup box has name, namespace, desc, includes (has SC site address) and exclude. Where's script go?
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • ivarivar Registered Users Posts: 8,395 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2007
    Allen wrote:
    I assume I go to the statcounter page and pick "new user script" so it's assocaited with that page or site? The magnifiy page or summary page?
    Nope, not needed, the idea is that it will only work for the pages that you specify under 'include' thumb.gif

    Allen wrote:
    The popup box has name, namespace, desc, includes (has SC site address) and exclude. Where's script go?
    first enter all that stuff.

    If you don't get a texteditor popping up, go to tools>greasmonkey>manage user scripts>edit
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2007
    ivar wrote:
    Nope, not needed, the idea is that it will only work for the pages that you specify under 'include' thumb.gif

    first enter all that stuff.

    If you don't get a texteditor popping up, go to tools>greasmonkey>manage user scripts>edit
    Ok, saved text file and filled in info. Linked saved file in popup. What pages do I include? Recent Visitor Activity page? Shows in manage window now.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • ivarivar Registered Users Posts: 8,395 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2007
    Allen wrote:
    Ok, saved text file and filled in info. Linked saved file in popup. What pages do I include? Recent Visitor Activity page? Shows in manage window now.
    This should be the include page:
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2007
    ivar wrote:
    This should be the include page:
    Now if can't find the page.headscratch.gif Do I need this maybe?


    what's in there now but no thumbs
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • NimaiNimai Registered Users Posts: 564 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2007
    Allen wrote:
    Now if can't find the page.headscratch.gif Do I need this maybe?


    what's in there now but no thumbs
    The include line determines when the script will be run. If the URL page just loaded matches the include, GreaseMonkey will run the script. The * are wild. So, http://** should work. What's your stat counter URL look like when you're looking at the details.
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2007
    Nimai wrote:
    The include line determines when the script will be run. If the URL page just loaded matches the include, GreaseMonkey will run the script. The * are wild. So, http://** should work. What's your stat counter URL look like when you're looking at the details.
    I now have the one you entered above.


    Realized the wild * and took out the my3 or whatever it change too.

    But still not working. What is the namespace?
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • NimaiNimai Registered Users Posts: 564 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2007
    Allen wrote:
    I now have the one you entered above.


    Realized the wild * and took out the my3 or whatever it change too.

    But still not working. What is the namespace?
    The namespace is simply to uniquely identify a script. No one should use namespaces that they don't own, so this should make the script namespace unique.

    Maybe there's more here that might help?
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2007
    Nimai wrote:
    The namespace is simply to uniquely identify a script. No one should use namespaces that they don't own, so this should make the script namespace unique.

    Maybe there's more here that might help?
    Oops, should of changed this to me, right?

    // @namespace

    How do I remove what I have and start over? I created a new one but the
    text file popup didn't show.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • javier.rinaldijavier.rinaldi Registered Users Posts: 210 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2007
    No joy for me either.

    Creator of: SmugManager

    "There's no dark side or the moon, really. Matter of fact it's all dark..."
  • ivarivar Registered Users Posts: 8,395 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2007
    Try this:

    In firefox go to Tools > Greasemonkey > Manage User Scripts
    Select the script and hit 'edit'.

    In the window that will open, make sure that the code is exactly as in Nimai's first post, no changes. Save it.

    Check to make sure that the include is correctly set up.

    That should do it.
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2007
    ivar wrote:
    Try this:

    In firefox go to Tools > Greasemonkey > Manage User Scripts
    Select the script and hit 'edit'.

    In the window that will open, make sure that the code is exactly as in Nimai's first post, no changes. Save it.

    Check to make sure that the include is correctly set up.

    That should do it.
    I get no window opening after clicking edit.headscratch.gif
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • devbobodevbobo Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 4,339 SmugMug Employee
    edited October 10, 2007
    Very cool Nimai clap.gifclap
    David Parry
    SmugMug API Developer
    My Photos
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