API for Comments
Hey -- are you guys ever gonna provide a hook into comments? If you aren't going to support [thread=73349]Keywords editing for site-wide passwords or private passwords[/thread], then I was thinking maybe I could write a quick hack that periodically appends comments to existing Keywords.
Since it's password-protected and I'll be telling everybody to just use Comments for user-submitted keywords, I think I'd be safe from spammers, etc.
But alas, no API for comments. Hrm, do mail notifications of comments include the photo ID and actual comment (I'm thinking procmail + php)?
Hackish. Please don't make me hack too badly.
Since it's password-protected and I'll be telling everybody to just use Comments for user-submitted keywords, I think I'd be safe from spammers, etc.
But alas, no API for comments. Hrm, do mail notifications of comments include the photo ID and actual comment (I'm thinking procmail + php)?
Hackish. Please don't make me hack too badly.
It's something we may do for 1.2.1, retrieving comments should be pretty easy, but I will have to think through the issues around adding comments.
As for the comments email, it has a link to the SmugMug image, so you could retrieve the image id, but the comment isn't included.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
From here: http://smugmug.jot.com/WikiHome/Customization/FeedsTricks
The AuthKey isn't actually required.
One little nit: The comments tag doesn't actually take you to the "comments page" for the item. It seems like technically, this should be the same page as the photo itself, since SmugMug doesn't have separate comments pages for photos (unlike say, blog entries).
you will see that the comments element is standard across all rss feeds, it's the url where someone can post a comment on the given image or album.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Hi David:
Right, but for the Comments feed, it points to a non-functioning URL.
Hi, hitting this feed:
I get:
<lastBuildDate>Mon, 15 Oct 2007 19:09:34 -0700</lastBuildDate>
(Timestamp of when I hit the feed.)
However the most recent comment is from:
<pubDate>Sun, 14 Oct 2007 22:46:55 -0700</pubDate>
Shouldn't lastBuildDate reflect the last time a comment was made, like how it works with the Recent Galleries feed?