Add "Custom Pro Pricing Photo" to your < photo tools >

Some (many?) have related frustrating stories of reseting their entire galleries prices when they intended to set some custom pricing options for an individual photo. I do this enough that I made some javascript to add an option right to the gallery photo tools to take me directly to the pricing for the current photo - no risk of forgetting to click image on the next page!
function imageToolsEx() { var photoTools = document.getElementById('tools'); if( photoTools.options[photoTools.selectedIndex].id == 'proPricingPhotoChoice' ) document.getElementsByName('Type')[0].value = ''; imageTools(); } function addProPricingPhoto() { if (YD.hasClass(document.body,"galleryPage") && YD.hasClass(document.body,"loggedIn")) { var photoTools = document.getElementById('tools'); var proPricingPhoto = document.createElement('option'); proPricingPhoto.text = 'Pro Pricing Photo'; proPricingPhoto.value = 'proprices'; proPricingPhoto.class = 'nonMovieTool'; = 'proPricingPhotoChoice'; photoTools.add( proPricingPhoto, photoTools.options[3] ); photoTools.setAttribute( 'onChange', 'imageToolsEx();' ); } } YE.on(window, "load", addProPricingPhoto);Just add the above code to your javascript section in Customization.
This is very cool, but you can rewrite like this...
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I didn't play around with it at all to determine might have been the problem. I just removed that bit of javascript, and all was well with the world again.
I was having trouble with my image pricing so I pasted bit the original code and Dev Bobo's code but my Vanity URLs died and I immediately removed it. As much as I need to price by image a few photos I can't lose my Vanity URLs since I just posted 4 galleries.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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