hide "buy: this photo" and "multiple photos" when image price is zero
How do I hide "buy: this photo" and "multiple photos" for an individual image when its price is zero (pro account)?
Please see http://www.thoughtswhilethinking.com/gallery/3599981/2/205142504
If this link does not work, see www.thoughtswhilethinking.com, gallery "Micronesia 2007: people & places", and go to the featured group shot, which is the 12th picture in the gallery.
This photo, and other photos in this gallery, has a price of zero to block its purchase. However, most of the photos in the gallery are for sale and have non-zero prices per my portfolio pricing chart.
The problem with displaying "buy: this photo" for an image with a zero price is that when this "buy" button is clicked, "loading" never ends. The customer has to click on "back" or reload/refresh to get out of the loop.
The problem with displaying "multiple photos" for a zero-priced photo is that, while no looping occurs, the "multiple" button implies that the photo can be purchased. However, if this zero-priced photo is selected from among the multiple photos displayed, the message "Errors processing the following images: No products appear to be for sale for this photo." Some customers may be unhappy with this result.
If there is a better solution to this problem than hiding the two buttons, please advise.
Thanks in advance for your assistance - Larry Lenon
Please see http://www.thoughtswhilethinking.com/gallery/3599981/2/205142504
If this link does not work, see www.thoughtswhilethinking.com, gallery "Micronesia 2007: people & places", and go to the featured group shot, which is the 12th picture in the gallery.
This photo, and other photos in this gallery, has a price of zero to block its purchase. However, most of the photos in the gallery are for sale and have non-zero prices per my portfolio pricing chart.
The problem with displaying "buy: this photo" for an image with a zero price is that when this "buy" button is clicked, "loading" never ends. The customer has to click on "back" or reload/refresh to get out of the loop.
The problem with displaying "multiple photos" for a zero-priced photo is that, while no looping occurs, the "multiple" button implies that the photo can be purchased. However, if this zero-priced photo is selected from among the multiple photos displayed, the message "Errors processing the following images: No products appear to be for sale for this photo." Some customers may be unhappy with this result.
If there is a better solution to this problem than hiding the two buttons, please advise.
Thanks in advance for your assistance - Larry Lenon
I think you found a bug, I've reported this to our engineers.
Sorry for the hassle!
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