Disable all prints that would require cropping

Somebody stop me! I'm going GreaseMonkey
Here's a script that adds a No Crop button to the Pro Pricing page. Click the button to set all print sizes that would require cropping to zero, preventing customers from buying them. I made this work based off of the size of the image being priced, so it should work for any sized image. I only intend to use it for square ones, like my screen shot below. I'm also combining this with my [thread=73443]Pro Pricing Photo[/thread] customization so that I can quickly disable all but the square prints for my square-crop photos.

Here's the code, or install straight from my scripts on userscripts.org
Here's a script that adds a No Crop button to the Pro Pricing page. Click the button to set all print sizes that would require cropping to zero, preventing customers from buying them. I made this work based off of the size of the image being priced, so it should work for any sized image. I only intend to use it for square ones, like my screen shot below. I'm also combining this with my [thread=73443]Pro Pricing Photo[/thread] customization so that I can quickly disable all but the square prints for my square-crop photos.

Here's the code, or install straight from my scripts on userscripts.org
// ==UserScript== // @namespace http://nimai.smugmug.com/greasemonkey/nocrop // @name SmugMug Pro Pricing No-Crop // @description Adds a "No Crop" button to the pro pricing page for images in SmugMug which will set the price to zero (hide from sale) all print sizes that would require cropping // @include http://*.smugmug.com/photos/tools.mg*tool=proprices // ==/UserScript== function getElementsByClass(searchClass,node,tag,text) { var classElements = new Array(); if (node == null) node = document; if (tag == null) tag = '*'; var els = node.getElementsByTagName(tag); var elsLen = els.length; var pattern = new RegExp("(^|\\s)"+searchClass+"(\\s|$)"); var textPattern = null; if (text) textPattern = new RegExp(text); for (i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++) { if (pattern.test(els[i].className) ) { if (textPattern==null || textPattern.test(els[i].textContent) ) { classElements[j] = els[i]; j++; } } } return classElements; } function calcAspect( width, height ) { return (width>height)?(width/height):(height/width); } function makeNoCrop() { var image = getElementsByClass('imgBorder')[0]; var imageAspect = calcAspect( image.width, image.height ); var getDimensions = new RegExp('([0-9\.]+) [xX] ([0-9\.]+)'); var isWallet = new RegExp('4 Wallets.*'); var tds = document.getElementsByTagName('td'); var itemDim, itemAspect; for( var i=0; i<tds.length; ++i ) { var item = tds[i].textContent; if( isWallet.test(item) ) itemAspect = 3.5/2.5; else { itemDim = getDimensions.exec( item ); itemAspect = itemDim ? calcAspect(itemDim[1],itemDim[2]) : null; } if( itemAspect ) { if( Math.abs(itemAspect-imageAspect) > 0.05 ) { var priceBox = tds[i].parentNode.getElementsByTagName('input')[0]; priceBox.value = '0'; } } } } if( getElementsByClass('title',null,null,'image') ) { var toolsbox = getElementsByClass('toolsbox')[0]; var newRow = toolsbox.insertRow(1); newRow.insertCell(0); var newCell = newRow.insertCell(1); newCell.setAttribute('align','left'); newRow.insertCell(2); var noCropBut = document.createElement('input'); noCropBut.setAttribute('type','button'); noCropBut.setAttribute('class','smbuttons'); noCropBut.addEventListener('click', makeNoCrop, true); noCropBut.value = 'No Crop'; newCell.appendChild( noCropBut ); }
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos