Very nice. Interesting effect there. Did you do any PS alteration? That center purple area of the flower really sticks out from the picture.
Mike, Thanks for the comments. I worked out using some Lightroom adjustments and a slightly moded Orton effect to get that flower to really contrast with the background.
Well nice effect there. I'll have to check out the Orton effect some day soon. Someone else was using it on their cat in here recently...
It's one of those things that I play with every once in a while. It doesn't look right on all things, and for others it takes a tweak here or there to make it look better. Ususally I play with it for a while and toss alll the attempts. The originals oftentimes look better than the processed.
Mike, Thanks for the comments. I worked out using some Lightroom adjustments and a slightly moded Orton effect to get that flower to really contrast with the background.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
It's one of those things that I play with every once in a while. It doesn't look right on all things, and for others it takes a tweak here or there to make it look better. Ususally I play with it for a while and toss alll the attempts. The originals oftentimes look better than the processed.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy