Egg goes to London- 2007
This summer I spent four months living in London, England as part of the SWAP program, I'd recommend it! Very good.
I worked in a live-in job at a bar. I'm not a big drinker, practically not at all, so the job was the least favorite part of the trip, but that was just a way to make money so I could do so many other different things.
Here I'm going to share some pictures of my time there, hope you like and as always, comments welcome!
First here is London! From atop the London Eye. To counter-act the extra cheesy-ness of the Eye having the Silver Surfer pasted across it I decided to do an old school London look for this picture.

My first little side trip, I didn't have many because I liked to stay in the city, was Canterbury, I almost missed the spot where Thomas Becket died (it is not the little candle, as a warning to the rest of you) but went back and got this shot

When I got my job I went searching randomly around the area and came across this church...

and this graveyard...

My favorite hang out, because I loved going to the theatre there, was Leicester Square, and by extension, Traflagar Square since the two are very close, Here's a Lion

So obessed with plays was I, I saw 41 in total- that's like 10 a month, that while I was a scared at the Haymarket Bomb Scare I was more annoyed that I couldn't see my show, but they gave refunds...There is my show there...The Last Confession- starring David Suchet- Hercule Piriot

Here is a newsman waiting to do his story

I tried to go to both the regular tourist haunts and maybe some not so regular ones...and sometimes I would get the regular tourist shot and in other cases I would be completely side tracked and take pictures like this, which is one of my favorites from my walk around Hyde Park,

And this is my favorite from St. Pauls... you have to cut across the back of the church as a short cut to the 'wibbly-wobbly' bridge that goes to Shakespeare's Globe...but I had to stop and get this, even though I was probably running late.

And at Regents Park I had more fun chasing seagulls in a peddle boat...

And then I think I got hooked on some morbid vibe, I liked visiting all the famous churches and then I added graveyards!
This is the Highgate Cemetery, its divided into two parts, the other half has Karl Marx and George Eliot buried in it.
It was beautiful, they had just started a few years ago to clean it, so there were nice trails but lots of the place was still overgrown,

I did most of my shopping for relatives back home, and the Covent Garden Market was one of my favorites, with some beautiful architecture as you walk around.

On my last day in London the tube lines weren't working properly (shocker!, actually its mostly the Circle and District Lines but the Piccadilly Line was always very good, just a hint) and to get to the Tower of London I got a little lost but I knew that once I reached the water all I had to do was walk towards Tower Bridge.

And I took a nice close up once I got there as a thanks to such an easier marker to follow

Thanks for coming along!
I worked in a live-in job at a bar. I'm not a big drinker, practically not at all, so the job was the least favorite part of the trip, but that was just a way to make money so I could do so many other different things.
Here I'm going to share some pictures of my time there, hope you like and as always, comments welcome!
First here is London! From atop the London Eye. To counter-act the extra cheesy-ness of the Eye having the Silver Surfer pasted across it I decided to do an old school London look for this picture.

My first little side trip, I didn't have many because I liked to stay in the city, was Canterbury, I almost missed the spot where Thomas Becket died (it is not the little candle, as a warning to the rest of you) but went back and got this shot

When I got my job I went searching randomly around the area and came across this church...

and this graveyard...

My favorite hang out, because I loved going to the theatre there, was Leicester Square, and by extension, Traflagar Square since the two are very close, Here's a Lion

So obessed with plays was I, I saw 41 in total- that's like 10 a month, that while I was a scared at the Haymarket Bomb Scare I was more annoyed that I couldn't see my show, but they gave refunds...There is my show there...The Last Confession- starring David Suchet- Hercule Piriot

Here is a newsman waiting to do his story

I tried to go to both the regular tourist haunts and maybe some not so regular ones...and sometimes I would get the regular tourist shot and in other cases I would be completely side tracked and take pictures like this, which is one of my favorites from my walk around Hyde Park,

And this is my favorite from St. Pauls... you have to cut across the back of the church as a short cut to the 'wibbly-wobbly' bridge that goes to Shakespeare's Globe...but I had to stop and get this, even though I was probably running late.

And at Regents Park I had more fun chasing seagulls in a peddle boat...

And then I think I got hooked on some morbid vibe, I liked visiting all the famous churches and then I added graveyards!
This is the Highgate Cemetery, its divided into two parts, the other half has Karl Marx and George Eliot buried in it.
It was beautiful, they had just started a few years ago to clean it, so there were nice trails but lots of the place was still overgrown,

I did most of my shopping for relatives back home, and the Covent Garden Market was one of my favorites, with some beautiful architecture as you walk around.

On my last day in London the tube lines weren't working properly (shocker!, actually its mostly the Circle and District Lines but the Piccadilly Line was always very good, just a hint) and to get to the Tower of London I got a little lost but I knew that once I reached the water all I had to do was walk towards Tower Bridge.

And I took a nice close up once I got there as a thanks to such an easier marker to follow

Thanks for coming along!
i did get a bit seasick by the changing angles..