ch 33 - Shay


Date Taken:2005-03-04 11:26:04Date Digitized:2005-03-04 11:26:04Date Modified:2005-03-04 13:28:01Make:CanonModel: Canon EOS 20D Size: 1853x1482 Bytes: 808284 Aperture: f/3.5 ISO: 3200 Focal Length: 24mm (guess: 51mm in 35mm) Exposure Time: 0.008s (1/125)Flash:Flash did not fire, compulsory flash modeExposure Program:Shutter priorityExposure Bias:0ColorSpace:sRGB
As you can see I used iso 3200. I couldn't get a high enough exposure without it. I used the noise filter in elements. What do you think?

Date Taken:2005-03-04 11:26:04Date Digitized:2005-03-04 11:26:04Date Modified:2005-03-04 13:28:01Make:CanonModel: Canon EOS 20D Size: 1853x1482 Bytes: 808284 Aperture: f/3.5 ISO: 3200 Focal Length: 24mm (guess: 51mm in 35mm) Exposure Time: 0.008s (1/125)Flash:Flash did not fire, compulsory flash modeExposure Program:Shutter priorityExposure Bias:0ColorSpace:sRGB
As you can see I used iso 3200. I couldn't get a high enough exposure without it. I used the noise filter in elements. What do you think?
but I have to say....his face doesn't scream "excitement" or "adrenaline" to me, more like concentration. since you're at one of these parks, you could take advantage of a good wipeout, it's such an american thing to do after all, capitalizing on another's pain
Thanks for the feedback,
"Competitiveness" or "I want to win"
What do you think?
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
Kids have the greatest toys!
If you want critiques, I'd try bluring the background a little. For me, the other cars, etc. are distracting. I do like this shot though - great capture!!
Haha I love this approach. Good stuff faerie!
Shay those kids are adorable. Its a great shot. I would focus on those expressions more though. No need for so much car room in my oppinion. Perhaps a wee-crop on the top and bottom to put a little more emphasis on the matchup.