So if I transfer my files over to my external and then unplug it -- it would protect it even more from crashing compaired to if it were attached to my computer all the time?
So if I transfer my files over to my external and then unplug it -- it would protect it even more from crashing compaired to if it were attached to my computer all the time?
that's what I do - my external's only connected & powered up when I'm doing backups (or needing to look for something). if it falls on the floor it might take some damage, but nowhere near the amount that it would if the platters were spinning.
So if I transfer my files over to my external and then unplug it -- it would protect it even more from crashing compaired to if it were attached to my computer all the time?
I don't know that it protects it more, but the only time I have mine on, and connected to the computer is when I am actually using it. I only use one power cord & firewire or usb, plug into to whichever Seagate xHDD I need to access. Partially because I have so many devices, limited power plugs, partially because I save energy whenever possible. Everything is powered by an APC unit, so I feel pretty safe with power issues. Hopefully the less the xHDD is used, the longer the life?
I bought some Dvd's -R's as I was told that is what I needed. I ran into a problem downloading pictures to them. Some only came thru halfway. Is that common? And should I have gotten +R's instead. I don't know what the difference is. Maybe someone can help me with this issue.
Didn't see an answer to this yet (sorry if I missed it). Generally speaking, you want DVD+R if you're using Windows and DVD-R if you're on a Mac. Standalone DVD recorders can vary, check your documentation.
As others have said, though, DVDs are no more (and probably less) perfect than Hard Drives. A big reason for this is that burnable DVDs and CDs use a type of ink, as opposed to pressed DVDs (like a purchased movie or CD), which use a thin metal sheet. Because of this, they're more susceptible to damage from light. Keep backups in a dark dry place, and maybe they'll be fine.
I've heard a few people talk about Amazon S3. This sounds like a good solution, and it looks reasonably priced. I think I remember reading somewhere along the way that Smugmug uses Amazon S3 as part of their redundancy solution.
And let's not forget the core reason for this thread. "Security" !! Up until very recently, I was making backup disks as well of my more important files and folders which were chocked full of photos. Then, I was putting those same disks into a safe (fireproof) out in the garage. All in the name of safe keeping just in case of a fire. I did this until I learned that a CD/DVD disk can start warping out at as low a temperature of 125 F. At that point it will be rendered useless. Best recommendation I got was to go with an external HD. The platters will not warp until they get to almost the melting point. So now, I have a 300 gig external HD in my safe which only needed a small hole drilled in the bottom of it for the two wires which feed it (USB and power). I fed the USB through an existing Bell wire hole in the foundation. The only downside was that because they recommend no more than 30 feet for a USB cable, the safe had to be placed close to the wall in the garage. Might be a bit too much hassle for most but I do sleep at night ! My 2 cents...
Reading this and thinking, anyone seen an affordable ($300ish) external RAID Array for 200GB or so? All the ones I have seen are $1K range and Terrabyte Size..
Sweeper you do have a system . I love it. Don't get me wrong. I find that you have really protected your files to the fullest. I had thought about putting my discs in my fire safe. Only my fire safe is in my basement and it took 4 people and a dolly to move it there. Its huge and very heavy. Putting it out in the garage would be I would love to get it out of the basement.
This system would have been awesome in the room I use to have my studio in, as it sat right next to the garage, but I moved to another room and knocked part of the wall out for a french door. If I asked my husband to move me back to the other room....well, you would hear him in
I have to ask you about cold effecting discs. I see your from Canada so I'm thinking that you may get as cold or colder then I do in North Dakota. Do you have to worry about the cold or is your garage heated? I would think that the cold could shatter them or do damage to your external.
Haven't read all the replies yet... HI Dogdots! My brother just bought a seagate 500gig to move all his photos and video off his harddrive. He loves it. $120.00 at Best Buy.
I on the other hand do not recommend Maxtor :cry mine crashed. It wasn't a 500gig one either but it many many files that I had not transferred to DVD's yet. 1000's of photos gone..... BUT.. a friend showed me a lil free progam and POOF they were all back, tho it took hours.
YEAH... How does one gain sooo many photos in just a few years. I'm up at 20,000 photos since 2003. And with the ol' Canon AE1-P; it was lucky to take 500 a year.
Sorry to hear your external crashed, but happy to hear you were able to retreive your pictures. I have heard the crashing problem with Maxtor. Your very lucky. I'm interested in what program you used to get your photos back. I see a lot of people here use Seagate.
Wow..You have alot of photos. I haven't even counted mine and kinda afraid to do so .
Both my Sony and the Canon rolled over at 9999 images. So the 20,000 is a rough estimate.
I'll look tonight at what programs I have for retrieving files off lost drives.
My computer would not find the Maxtor. I had it hooked via usb. I'd look in my computer and explorer and it just wasn't there. This lil program found it with no problems. It just was a slooooow process of copying all the info over to the hard drive.
My next drive will either be a seagate or a western digital (my books?)
oops... missed that you already answered this
that is what I get for delaying my response to listen to Rockies coverage!
So if I transfer my files over to my external and then unplug it -- it would protect it even more from crashing compaired to if it were attached to my computer all the time?
that's what I do - my external's only connected & powered up when I'm doing backups (or needing to look for something). if it falls on the floor it might take some damage, but nowhere near the amount that it would if the platters were spinning.
my words, my "pro"pictures, my "fun" pictures, my videos.
I don't know that it protects it more, but the only time I have mine on, and connected to the computer is when I am actually using it. I only use one power cord & firewire or usb, plug into to whichever Seagate xHDD I need to access. Partially because I have so many devices, limited power plugs, partially because I save energy whenever possible. Everything is powered by an APC unit, so I feel pretty safe with power issues. Hopefully the less the xHDD is used, the longer the life?
As others have said, though, DVDs are no more (and probably less) perfect than Hard Drives. A big reason for this is that burnable DVDs and CDs use a type of ink, as opposed to pressed DVDs (like a purchased movie or CD), which use a thin metal sheet. Because of this, they're more susceptible to damage from light. Keep backups in a dark dry place, and maybe they'll be fine.
I've heard a few people talk about Amazon S3. This sounds like a good solution, and it looks reasonably priced. I think I remember reading somewhere along the way that Smugmug uses Amazon S3 as part of their redundancy solution.
my words, my "pro"pictures, my "fun" pictures, my videos.
I checked it out, may not be bad. And there are some other books that I think I need.
I'm Canadian, eh.
Reading this and thinking, anyone seen an affordable ($300ish) external RAID Array for 200GB or so? All the ones I have seen are $1K range and Terrabyte Size..
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This system would have been awesome in the room I use to have my studio in, as it sat right next to the garage, but I moved to another room and knocked part of the wall out for a french door. If I asked my husband to move me back to the other room....well, you would hear him in
I have to ask you about cold effecting discs. I see your from Canada so I'm thinking that you may get as cold or colder then I do in North Dakota. Do you have to worry about the cold or is your garage heated? I would think that the cold could shatter them or do damage to your external.
I on the other hand do not recommend Maxtor :cry mine crashed. It wasn't a 500gig one either but it many many files that I had not transferred to DVD's yet. 1000's of photos gone..... BUT.. a friend showed me a lil free progam and POOF they were all back, tho it took hours.
YEAH... How does one gain sooo many photos in just a few years. I'm up at 20,000 photos since 2003. And with the ol' Canon AE1-P; it was lucky to take 500 a year.
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Sorry to hear your external crashed, but happy to hear you were able to retreive your pictures. I have heard the crashing problem with Maxtor. Your very lucky. I'm interested in what program you used to get your photos back. I see a lot of people here use Seagate.
Wow..You have alot of photos. I haven't even counted mine and kinda afraid to do so
I'll look tonight at what programs I have for retrieving files off lost drives.
My computer would not find the Maxtor. I had it hooked via usb. I'd look in my computer and explorer and it just wasn't there. This lil program found it with no problems. It just was a slooooow process of copying all the info over to the hard drive.
My next drive will either be a seagate or a western digital (my books?)
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Your computer couldn't find Maxtor---my computer couldn't open the memory stick. It saw it, but must have been afraid to open it
I did finally figure out how to get into it and even put some photos on it, but then I couldn't open it--it was afraid again
So dumped the memory stick.
Hummmm.....wonder if you can use memory sticks to back up photos?
PS---If you find the program on retrieving files that would be great!