I had my website up and running great. I checked it today and now all of my client galleries are showing on my galleries tab/page. Also, my slideshow isnt loading on the homepage. Maybe after the update it got messed up? I checked all the categories. everything is the same as it was when it was working fine. need some assistance please.
display by gallery. Change that to display by category. The script is to
remove the category from the galleries page.
Your show source gallery has a password, can be private but not passworded.
My Website index | My Blog
Thanks, I dont know how that got all messed up. I appreciate your help once again.
I am also seeing problems with slideshow on homepage. It is loading, but it is not consistent. Ranging from extremely slow, next time seim-normal, then slow again.... every time is different. NOT normal SMug speed.
I am also seeing issues, off and on, with loading all SMug pages, all views... all thumbs, slideshows, SMugMug style... all are slow, not normal.
I have checked other sites, SMug is the only site that I find a problem.
Using Firefox, but same issues useing IE. Fastest broadband connection, again, broadband is not the issue... it is just SmugMug, for me.
Not complaining, just posting to let you know... there is a problem.
I see that thank you.