uploading fails

staying with someone else and using thier DualPPC G4, dragged a pic from iphoto to the simple uploader - pressed upload - nothing happens.. tried a few times..?
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
non monsieur, j'ain't tried it.
But I probably won't go installing onto this comp as I don't want to have to troubleshoot etc as Im only here for a very short while
I think I'll avoid uploading directly from iPhoto as it seems to be running really slowly - not sure if there's something wrong with it or whether it's that it wasn't designed for 5D file sizes (400 jpgs)
I'll try Drging+Dping from the desktop after using Preview to sort I think...
Do the files meet our requirements?
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
was using safari 1.3.2
yup plain ol jpgs about 3 mb apiece
Just tried D+D from the folder on the desktop - still not working - I blame safari
I notice that the browser is still trying to build thumbs
Didn't get on at all with that 'simple' uploader, couldn't get it to work
on FF or safari, 10.3.9, dual PPC G4 867MHz, I GB DDR SDRAM, no other programs running, permissions repaired,