How to convert watermarks for new unannounced watermark changes?

Okay, I created a new watermark and replaced the existing one on my site, now I see that all of the galleries that used the old version of this watermark have been reset to use the "SmugMug" watermark.
What is the proper procedure for replacing existing watermarks so that the galleries are not reset to use the SmugMug watermark? I've got a few other watermarks in use and want to avoid the problem I've encountered with this first one I changed.
What is the proper procedure for replacing existing watermarks so that the galleries are not reset to use the SmugMug watermark? I've got a few other watermarks in use and want to avoid the problem I've encountered with this first one I changed.
What is the proper step-by-step procedure for replacing existing watermarks?
default Smugmug one. Go back into watermarking and change the name to
the original WM name and see if it now shows under customize gallery.
It really doesn't effect anything as long as you select the new WM name and size
before uploading any new photos or changing something to regenerate the photos.
That's when whatever is there is applied.
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1) Upload new image, create watermark with same name as old.
Result: Two watermarks with the same name. If I then figure out which one was the original and delete it, all galleries that were using that watermark revert to "SmugMug".
2) Upload new image, delete original watermark, create watermark from new image with original name.
Result: Now I only have one watermark with the original name, but all galleries that were using that watermark have reverted to "SmugMug".
What is the correct procedure for replacing an existing watermark without having to go into each gallery and select the appropriate watermark again?
The watermarked images do not change until you re-watermark them. The watermarking is a static image in that Smugmug alters the images (not the originals) when you apply the watermark itself. Changing the gallery defaults to use a different watermark will not cause already-watermarked images to change. The default setting affects only new images uploaded to that gallery.
Assume you have a watermark; e.g., WM01, and your gallery defaults to use WM01. Create a new watermark and give it a different name; e.g., WM02. Change your gallery defaults to use WM02. This does not change the watermarked images themselves. You have to now re-watermark the images for that gallery.
If you delete a watermark; e.g., WM01, then each gallery set to use WM01 will revert to Smugmug's default. You then have to create the new watermark and change the default setting for each gallery. You then have to re-watermark the images in the gallery.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
Thanks for confirming what I've been seeing. This means I will need to go into every gallery that is set up to use the watermark I'm updating and change it to use the new updated watermark. I really wish there was a way to replace the existing watermark instead of having to manually weed through every gallery (the bulk tool won't help me here as many of my galleries have different settings from each other that I want to keep as such).
Yeah, I don't want to re-watermark any existing images. I just need to fix the watermarks for new images or regenerated display images.
Thanks for the comments.
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SmugBrowser is default.
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Sorry about that one.
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Here's the situation.
New company name, so I want to change watermark on ALL photos in ALL galleries Smugmug site: - I created a new watermark with new company name, and named it differently than the original. I have started making changes on the most "active" galleries... but that is slow and will take a while.
Am I correct that I must do the change on each gallery individually?
Thanks for any help offered!
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