
PS Elements 5 & CR2 raw files??

[Deleted User][Deleted User] Major grinsBournemouth, UKPosts: 0 Major grins
edited October 17, 2007 in Finishing School
Can anybody confirm or deny that PS Elements 5 will open Canon raw CR2 files, because mine certainly does not and I was led to believe it did :scratch



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    aktseaktse Registered Users Posts: 1,928 Major grins
    edited October 16, 2007
    My raw file opened up in a version of ACR.
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    billg71billg71 Registered Users Posts: 56 Big grins
    edited October 16, 2007

    I think it depends on what camera you have and what version of ACR is installed with PSE. If your version of ACR is older than your camera, it won't recognize your camera's files.

    Try going to Adobe's website and downloading the latest ACR version, 4.2 . There will be instructions on installing it for PSE.

    Hope this helps,

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    dgsmithdgsmith Registered Users Posts: 3 Beginner grinner
    edited October 16, 2007
    I use Elements 5 and I'm able to open raw files (.cr2) for Canon cameras as recent as the 40D and 1D MkIII. I use Adobe Raw 4.2 as noted above, availabe from the adobe website as an update. Follow the instructions to place the plug-in in the correct directory for Elements 5.0.2

    One note, you cannot yet open sRAW files with the Adobe Raw plug-in, only RAW. (sRAW files also come in as .cr2)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Major grins Bournemouth, UKPosts: 0 Major grins
    edited October 17, 2007
    Thanks guys, downloaded, install and openning cr2 without a problem

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