API 1.0 application stopped working on Sunday

My poor old python uploading script has been chugging along in batch mode on linux systems for years. But on Sunday it just stopped being able to authenticate (and thus stopped working.)
Has this version of the API just fallen off the back of the queue, deprecated out of existence? It's probably time to rewrite the python script, but not a very convinient time for me.
What's the status?
Has this version of the API just fallen off the back of the queue, deprecated out of existence? It's probably time to rewrite the python script, but not a very convinient time for me.
What's the status?
If not now, when?
it shouldn't have. Can you please link me to a version of the code ? So I can check the endpoints and the methods called ?
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Just trying to be a good citizen.
it's up to you. Myself, if i have released code where it's visible in the open, I may substitute <insert api key> for the actual api key.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
can i also suggest an endpoint change...
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
ok cool
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos