D40 vs.evolt

im buying my first dslr cam in a week im looking and pricing now.Ive seen some great shots on this site taken with a d40 and a friend of mine has a olympus evolt that is great also.im probably going to get several lenses with this purchase (18-55) and a (75-300) just enough to get me started for now anyway.Which of the 2 would you recommend?
jm photography
One piece of advice, and this is coming from someone who started with Olympus film cameras: Don't just consider the body. Canon and Nikon make up the vast majority of marketshare. They each have huge and extensive systems of lenses and accessories. In addition, there is a massive amount of third party things as well. This is a significant difference: nearly every gadget, lens, device, etc etc is made for a Nikon or Canon. It can be much harder to find things for Olympus. That's what switched me to Canon years ago: it was impossible to find things for Olympus, but there were racks of Nikon and Canon gear. You will find, over time, that the cheapest thing you buy in camera gear is usually the body. All the rest of the stuff is where the bulk of the investment lies.
If you find that the Olympus really meets some specific needs or offers something that really appeals to you, then it's the right choice. If it is a toss up, the 'system' and the "ecosystem of suppliers" weighs heavily to Nikon.
Then again, I believe you can find the 2 lenses you seek (or comprable replacements) in the AF-S series.
"Your decisions on whether to buy, when to buy and what to buy should depend on careful consideration of your needs primarily, with a little of your wants thrown in for enjoyment, After all photography is a hobby, even for pros."
~Herbert Keppler
All the manufacturers make great cameras. I am an Olympus user, I have a brother that uses Canon and another that uses Nikon. We are all extremely satisfied with our gear, and all can find what we want. I would buy the Olympus, but I have a biased opinion from years of using their products. My brothers would tell you to buy Canon or Nikon. So, I think just find one you like and go for it. You won't go wrong either way. In the end it only matters what you think, not what I or anyone else tells you is "better" because in reality they are all great tools.
About lenses - I don't know enough about the nikon lenses to give you good advice. I know that the 2-lens kit that comes with most oly cams are a great deal and they get great ratings compared to other kit lenses.
I have the Oly 14-54mm 2.8-3.5 lens and I think it is spectacular it costs around $400. The 40-150 3.5-4.5 is a great bargain for the quality $250. I also love the 35mm macro - it is extremely affordable at around $180
The decision really comes down to a few things-
Price you are willing to spend
What you are going to use the camera for
How much you plan to invest in additional equipment
Personal taste and feel
FWIT- I shoot Olympus and love it. I do wish there were more things readily available- and that they were cheaper- but the quality of build and optics are top notch. I liked the LCD, feel in my hand, and menus- that plus the price is what swung my decision.
Go get your hands on them and that should help make your decision. I think you will find issues with every camera but overall you will be happy no matter which one you pick.
If you get a Canon you will complete the circle and you can all share
Good Luck!!
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion