Flash Slideshow of SmugMug RSS feed?
I'd like to use this RSS feed:
in a slideshow presented by this Flash utility: http://www.dwuser.com/flashslideshow/v3/
The feed wasn't working in the Flash utility, so I checked on their support forum and got this response:
The problem is that this site - peacetags.smugmug.com - does not have a Flash Player cross domain security file which allows for the Flash Player to load data. Thus, you cannot load the data from a different domain. The site must have a crossdomain.xml file, or you must load the data file through a proxy. You can search the forums to learn more about a proxy, or google for crossdomain.xml.
DWUser.com Support
My question is: Is providing a crossdomain.xml file with a policy setting that allows the flash utility to load data something SmugMug offers? Is it something I can do myself? Does anyone here have experience setting up this kind of thing?
I'd like to use this RSS feed:
in a slideshow presented by this Flash utility: http://www.dwuser.com/flashslideshow/v3/
The feed wasn't working in the Flash utility, so I checked on their support forum and got this response:
The problem is that this site - peacetags.smugmug.com - does not have a Flash Player cross domain security file which allows for the Flash Player to load data. Thus, you cannot load the data from a different domain. The site must have a crossdomain.xml file, or you must load the data file through a proxy. You can search the forums to learn more about a proxy, or google for crossdomain.xml.
DWUser.com Support
My question is: Is providing a crossdomain.xml file with a policy setting that allows the flash utility to load data something SmugMug offers? Is it something I can do myself? Does anyone here have experience setting up this kind of thing?
use this enpoint instead...
http://api.smugmug.com/hack/feed.mg?Type=gallery&Data=3636107#207212056&format =RSS&Size=original
api.smugmug.com has the crossdomain.xml file
SmugMug API Developer
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