Is this monochrome enough?

I'm thinking that the blues and yellow/reds in here don't quite qualify, but I'd love your take!

Along those lines, I may have more opportunities for snow shots like this - we're expecting more later this week - so if this doesn't work, I'll try again!

Along those lines, I may have more opportunities for snow shots like this - we're expecting more later this week - so if this doesn't work, I'll try again!
No, this is a horrible shot. There is absolutely no reason for you to enter this. In fact you shouldn't enter this whole round =c)
... i hate you The Photo Section
Wow! Such anger! And I thought people from dgrin were nice! :cry
IMO I think you are on the right track, to me it would say monochrome if you were on the other side of the water and the snow was all in the photo with out the water.