Mimic the cool lightbox behavior?

I use Smugmug as the backend of my website and host the front page with blogger so that I have a "photo blog" for family and friends. Smugmug is great because I can quickly grab the image URL's and paste them in blogger.
Now with the awesome large size upgrades I would like to enhance my blogger front end so that if you click on a photo you get the cool lightbox like you do is smugmug, I'm sure it's possible but what code would I use. Also, is it possible to do what smugmug is doing where it detects the screen resolution of the user?
Thanks for your help, you can view my blog at www.thebarnettfamily.com
Now with the awesome large size upgrades I would like to enhance my blogger front end so that if you click on a photo you get the cool lightbox like you do is smugmug, I'm sure it's possible but what code would I use. Also, is it possible to do what smugmug is doing where it detects the screen resolution of the user?
Thanks for your help, you can view my blog at www.thebarnettfamily.com
What if the Hokey Pokey REALLY IS what it's all about?
Lightbox can be found here: http://www.huddletogether.com/projects/lightbox/
Let me know if you have any problems with it!
I also like this Slideshow:
I've implemented them in a lightweight interface to Phanfare:
This is simlilar but better because it lets you load html into the window if you want.I'm going to use it on my site.
Lytebox (y instead of i)
I already have Litebox installed and it works great aside from the occasional glitch with not showing a border. Check out the source code on my site. If you need more help let me know and I can give you my css etc.