
This time, it's a bad work I've done

Antonio CorreiaAntonio Correia Registered Users Posts: 6,241 Major grins
edited October 19, 2007 in Technique
Tripod with camera and flash on the desk behind the type machine triggered by ST-E2. I always thought it would not fire but it actually did!
The flash had a home made snoot and the power was (-) 3.
At the moment of shooting I thought - because it was so near to him - that the power should be this low.
I was holding the white paper to fill in the shadows of her face but I think it was useless.
A lousy work. :cry
All the best ! ... António Correia - Facebook


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    LiquidAirLiquidAir Registered Users Posts: 1,751 Major grins
    edited October 18, 2007
    A few comments:

    The room looks underexposed to me. Sometimes that works, but in this case it just looks dingy.

    The flash is too far off to the camera left and isn't getting enough light on the opposite side of his face.

    The lighting contrast you have here looks like about 1 stop so I don't think lack of fill is particularly a problem.

    The framing of this portrait is not particularly flattering.

    Some suggestions:

    I'd change the point of view of the camera. Lower it to eye level and move it somewhat to the left. Frame the shot so that the white part of the wall is centered behind the head with the posters and boxes acting like a frame around the head. Also zoom in a bit tighter ideally to the point where the left wall is no longer in the frame. Changing the point of view of the camera will change which way he faces and bring more light into the face. You might even have him face a bit to camera left to get even more light. In addition, with a tighter crop the room exposure will matter less, so you may be able to get away with with underexposing the room as you have.
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    Antonio CorreiaAntonio Correia Registered Users Posts: 6,241 Major grins
    edited October 19, 2007
    Thank you Kenn. thumb.gif
    Interesting notes.
    I hope to go and try again in the next few days...:D
    All the best ! ... António Correia - Facebook
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