possible photo pricing website found
I keep seeing numerous post on asking how to price photos for various usage. I keep seeing a reference to a book, specific posts, etc., but this is the first time that I have seen this:
Stock Photo Pricing Calculator
I don't know how accurate it is, is it updated, etc., but it does look interesting. It gives you options for groups of sales, (ad, corporate, editorial), and has various pull-down for you to input other info (size, distribution, etc).
Does anyone know if they're in the ball park range? :ear Anyone know anything about them? :dunno
Stock Photo Pricing Calculator
I don't know how accurate it is, is it updated, etc., but it does look interesting. It gives you options for groups of sales, (ad, corporate, editorial), and has various pull-down for you to input other info (size, distribution, etc).
Does anyone know if they're in the ball park range? :ear Anyone know anything about them? :dunno
Thanks, interesting link!