20Gb, 10,000 files in one SE session!

Congratulations to Mel Lammers, who successfully uploaded almost 20Gb worth of pictures (tad shy of 10,000 files) in one SE session. :clap
That's the way to use all that unlimited SM space:-) Don't you just love smugmug?:thumb Especially now, when performance is back:-)
More details are on SE home page (news section on the very top of it) and
here: http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?postid=70255#post70255
If you are about to make a similar attempt, please make sure you know thy SE. It can already do way more than simply upload all files in one gargantuan gallery, but you need to tell it. Read the FAQ, or shoot me an email.
That's the way to use all that unlimited SM space:-) Don't you just love smugmug?:thumb Especially now, when performance is back:-)
More details are on SE home page (news section on the very top of it) and
here: http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?postid=70255#post70255
If you are about to make a similar attempt, please make sure you know thy SE. It can already do way more than simply upload all files in one gargantuan gallery, but you need to tell it. Read the FAQ, or shoot me an email.
"May the f/stop be with you!"
Can you put it all in a clicky button one day ?
The upload speed is mostly limited by your connecttion type. Most of the available broadband home solutions offer assymetrical connection, where download speed can be 10-20 times faster that upload one. Typical cable/adsl speeds here in continental US is 3-5Mbs down / 300 - 500Kbs up (ymmv, etc.)
Having said that, I would like to remind you (and everybody else:-), that I'm offering mass upload service. The idea is that when a person needs to upload dozens of gygabytes, it may be faster (and way easier for that person) simply to burn a bunch of dual-layer dvds, ship it to me - and I'll do the rest...
Taking Mel's case (20Gb) as an example, I'd probably be able to do it overnight...
Of course, I understand that shipping from Oz to CA may be not as cheap as domestic USPS, but hey, in your particular case - you can bring your stuff to Yosemite, and I'll take it from there - would be a zero shipping:-)