smugmungous awol from api: smugmug.images.getURLs

title pretty much says it all... 1.2.1 json endpoint, this image is known to have the smugmungous sizes created, but the getURLs endpoint doesn't seem to know that... makes it hard to detect if an image has already been regenerated with the bigger sizes. (an optimization I was hoping to use in my tool) Also makes it hard to know when processing on a given image has finished so that you can send another to be processed. (another feature I was hoping to implement... rate limiting so I don't flood you folks.)
2007-10-21 17:12:10.184 tester[24414] image urls are:
Image = {
AlbumURL = "http:\\/\\/\\/gallery\\/3213902\\/1\\/36416973";
LargeURL = "http:\\/\\/\\/photos\\/36416973-L-2.jpg";
MediumURL = "http:\\/\\/\\/photos\\/36416973-M-2.jpg";
OriginalURL = "http:\\/\\/\\/photos\\/36416973-O-2.jpg";
SmallURL = "http:\\/\\/\\/photos\\/36416973-S-2.jpg";
ThumbURL = "http:\\/\\/\\/photos\\/36416973-Th-2.jpg";
TinyURL = "http:\\/\\/\\/photos\\/36416973-Ti-2.jpg";
id = 36416973;
method = "smugmug.images.getURLs";
stat = ok;
2007-10-21 17:12:10.184 tester[24414] image urls are:
Image = {
AlbumURL = "http:\\/\\/\\/gallery\\/3213902\\/1\\/36416973";
LargeURL = "http:\\/\\/\\/photos\\/36416973-L-2.jpg";
MediumURL = "http:\\/\\/\\/photos\\/36416973-M-2.jpg";
OriginalURL = "http:\\/\\/\\/photos\\/36416973-O-2.jpg";
SmallURL = "http:\\/\\/\\/photos\\/36416973-S-2.jpg";
ThumbURL = "http:\\/\\/\\/photos\\/36416973-Th-2.jpg";
TinyURL = "http:\\/\\/\\/photos\\/36416973-Ti-2.jpg";
id = 36416973;
method = "smugmug.images.getURLs";
stat = ok;
SmugMug Sorcerer - Engineering Team Champion for Commerce, Finance, Security, and Data Support
It's been implemented, but not pushed live yet.
Hopefully, sometime this week
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Was this pushed to live?
G'day Mitch,
Yeah, it's live... sorry about the late notice.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos