Shenandoah never dissappoints

Yes it was warm, in fact the temp in Shenandoah never dropped below 60 the entire week and that is at 3500 feet above sea level. Because of this warm weather the Fall colors did not reach their usual planned peak while we were there, rather they were just emerging. I understand what it is like to chase ideal landscape conditions, after all I have been doing it since I was born. What I have come to learn and appreciate is what is in front of me, and further more, how to look deeper when the images don't fall on my head. So with the ocean of foliage still green, we needed to find those somewhat more illusive spots of color where in the right light turn ones immediate world into Fall. In our pursuit of such color, we were bombarded with exceptional light, some fun wildlife and even more exciting several spectacular sunsets and sunrises, which make the Shenandoah Skyline Ridge one of the most unique locations I have been. Here are a few images displayed with Smugmugs new cool tool as I call it.
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During the day we were able to spread out in the conferance room and work on Photoshop, Bridge and Lightroom while waiting for the right light so we could dash out and shoot. Here are some of the interesting topics that came up during the week.
Topic 1.
Point and shoot settings:
As some of you know, I like to use my Canon SD800 because of it's convience and 28mm lens. Well there are many settings of which I had not ever used. So with the Fall colors not so PEAK, I began exploring the settings burried in the "Scene" mode. What I stumbled into was a underwater setting and a foliage setting. Here are three images taken with the diff settings. I was so charmed with the underwater setting because of what it did to warm up the colors that I barely changed it for the entire trip.

Normal with no scene sellection

Foliage scene sellection

Underwater scene sellection
These was no post on these three examples. Just some cool warm colors in underwater mode :clap
Also to note regarding point and shoot settings, and this justifys the purchase of a Nikon point and shoot, what did I just type:scratch
John Dolan, the other participant is a avid Nikon shooter and sported a Nikon Coolpix P50. In hope of finding something to smear my Canon with, he discovered he could overide his apeture and stop the lens iris down to 7.5 just enough to create a "MUENCH STAR" I will bug him to post one of the stars here. I now may just have to get the Nikon to round out my arsenal.
Topic 2.
Leica VS Canon
John also came equipped with the new Leica M8 body and 28mm lens. This new camera is small, not too light but very sturdy. John and I decided to compare the new 10mp files with my Canon 1ds M2 files. Ok so there must be thousands of online info debates regarding such a comparison and all kinds of details I will not go into here, but to get to the point the Leica files were as good as the Canon at 160 iso. In fact the corners were sharper probably due to the larger image area of the lenses Leica uses. I processed these through Adobe Camera Raw with the very same settings.
Here they are:

Canon cropped to 10mp

Leica full frame
Topic 3
Much of the photoshop work we did was too indepth to show here but of particular importance was blending two exposures to include the high dynamic range of a scene. I will make a second post later to share some examples of the blends.
Also some illustrations of point and shoot techniques for the fun of it

John in a swirly

David and "STAR" the closest I could get to a Muenchstar with the Canon SD800

John waiting for the pink light

John searching for the correct split ND

David streached way out, notice right tripod leg attached to tree. "Old trick"

Another photographer disguised as a squirl trying to get in on our photoshop sessions:huh
<object align="middle" height="600" width="600">
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<embed src=";muenchworkshops#46;com" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always" allowNetworking="all" height="600" width="600"></object>
During the day we were able to spread out in the conferance room and work on Photoshop, Bridge and Lightroom while waiting for the right light so we could dash out and shoot. Here are some of the interesting topics that came up during the week.
Topic 1.
Point and shoot settings:
As some of you know, I like to use my Canon SD800 because of it's convience and 28mm lens. Well there are many settings of which I had not ever used. So with the Fall colors not so PEAK, I began exploring the settings burried in the "Scene" mode. What I stumbled into was a underwater setting and a foliage setting. Here are three images taken with the diff settings. I was so charmed with the underwater setting because of what it did to warm up the colors that I barely changed it for the entire trip.

Normal with no scene sellection

Foliage scene sellection

Underwater scene sellection
These was no post on these three examples. Just some cool warm colors in underwater mode :clap
Also to note regarding point and shoot settings, and this justifys the purchase of a Nikon point and shoot, what did I just type:scratch
John Dolan, the other participant is a avid Nikon shooter and sported a Nikon Coolpix P50. In hope of finding something to smear my Canon with, he discovered he could overide his apeture and stop the lens iris down to 7.5 just enough to create a "MUENCH STAR" I will bug him to post one of the stars here. I now may just have to get the Nikon to round out my arsenal.
Topic 2.
Leica VS Canon
John also came equipped with the new Leica M8 body and 28mm lens. This new camera is small, not too light but very sturdy. John and I decided to compare the new 10mp files with my Canon 1ds M2 files. Ok so there must be thousands of online info debates regarding such a comparison and all kinds of details I will not go into here, but to get to the point the Leica files were as good as the Canon at 160 iso. In fact the corners were sharper probably due to the larger image area of the lenses Leica uses. I processed these through Adobe Camera Raw with the very same settings.
Here they are:

Canon cropped to 10mp

Leica full frame
Topic 3
Much of the photoshop work we did was too indepth to show here but of particular importance was blending two exposures to include the high dynamic range of a scene. I will make a second post later to share some examples of the blends.
Also some illustrations of point and shoot techniques for the fun of it

John in a swirly

David and "STAR" the closest I could get to a Muenchstar with the Canon SD800

John waiting for the pink light

John searching for the correct split ND

David streached way out, notice right tripod leg attached to tree. "Old trick"

Another photographer disguised as a squirl trying to get in on our photoshop sessions:huh
Great stuff Marc
I would have loved to have gone. Every time I go to Shenandoah I always love it. Most times I have a day or only a part of a day before the flight leaves.
-Willy Wonka
My Gallery
The photos are nice (and so's the coding behind slideshow
Does that squirrel have a Dgrin account? Maybe they're just a lurker.
I really wished I could have come to this workshop, as I have hiked through this part of the country many, many times but never had the chance to have your assistance seeing it in a new way. It would have been great to experience artistic revelation in a place that I always take for granted.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
Its in the mail
Phil, Schmoo, Ian, Awais,
Thank you all for your kind words.
Muench Workshops
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Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
I like the lesson about the white balance. I shall freer to warm things up in the future.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Same here, but it was showing up just fine for me yesterday and the day before.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
Mike Mattix
Tulsa, OK
"There are always three sides to every story. Yours, mine, and the truth" - Unknown
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
And, my firefox is defunct. It shows a quicktime Q.
SmugMug Support Specialist -
Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
Canon 5D Mk.2/Grip || Canon 7D Backup
17-40 f/4L || 70-200 f/2.8L IS || 100mm f/2.8L Macro || 24-70mm f/2.8L
Wedding Photographer
Gorgeous slideshow. If that's scraping by on a bad day, what's a good day like?!
And I like the delicate use of flash. So much to learn!
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam :thumb
Visit us at: a forum for northeastern USA Photogs to meet. :wink
Canon 30D, some lenses and stuff... I think im tired or something, i have a hard time concentrating.. hey look, a birdie!:clap
Love the slideshow.