What sites can you use for selling photos?

Other than Smugmug.com and printroom.com ?????
Any help is appreciated.
Any help is appreciated.
Canon 30D
Canon 24-70mm F2.8L
Canon 70-200mm F2.8L
Canon 430EX Flash
Canon 30D
Canon 24-70mm F2.8L
Canon 70-200mm F2.8L
Canon 430EX Flash
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I use Photoreflect.com, I did alot of research and found very few that didn't want to take most of your profits. At Photoreflect they get 18% of your profits which is very minimal. You can check my site out at www.caughtNaction.com You download your pictures to a free software and then wait for your orders to start rolling in! About every 3 weeks you will receive a check for what you sold! Thanks, KS
Smugmug takes 15% and printroom takes 16%
Canon 30D
Canon 24-70mm F2.8L
Canon 70-200mm F2.8L
Canon 430EX Flash
www.backprint.com (free, they take 15%)
www.fototime.com ($23 per year, they take 13%)
shutterfly pro (http://www.shutterfly.com/b2b/professional_photography.jsp)
smugmug still has the nicest presentation though.
Any one know anything about www.mycapture.com
I'm asking because I noticed that the local neighborhood newspaper uses them for images, but there web site doesn't say much about what they are or what they really do or how much.
"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera" - Dorothea Lange
Exposure Manager's commission is just 10% and has fully customizable pricing. You actually get to choose what you call each item, how you group your items, which items you self-fulfill, complete control over selling. And they have real honest to goodness proof delay functionality on Digital Downloads, which means you don't have to to put up print ready proofs for DD's. Oh yeh, and the subscription rate is only $99 a year. Oh- and metallic prints are offered. I love SM, but until they fix a few areas they're still a little behind. I'm a sucker for a pretty interface as well, but pretty and nice only goes so far.
15 Day Free Trial
regular site
smug site