SmugLuv Thread

I realized that the only place for people to comment on SmugLuv was in the October api contest thread, so I decided to create another thread to prevent spamming the api thread with SmugLuv specific posts.
So, if you have feedback for SmugLuv, please drop me a line here and not in the contest thread.
Thanks again,
Jesse Foster | jf26028
So, if you have feedback for SmugLuv, please drop me a line here and not in the contest thread.
jf26028 wrote:I have finally found the time to release the initial version of SmugLuv. In summary, it is a javascript REST/JSON api client that is used to create a pannable view of your smugmug galleries. You copy/paste some javascript includes, a little javascript method, and a html div, and you have a pannable gallery for your site. And, because it is all client side, there are no server dependencies, so it should be easy to include in existing sites.
There is more information here:
And, this is the first release of the code and documentation page, so please feel free to let me know what needs improvement.
Jesse Foster | jf26028
Thanks again,
Jesse Foster | jf26028
I need to have more of a play with it.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Thanks for the complement. I really appreciate it. And, I am looking for any feedback anyone has, so if you have comments or suggestions, feel free to drop me a line.
Jesse Foster | jf26028
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos