Lens hood stuck on my new Canon 500mm f/4...
Yes, I feel stupid. :eek1
Only about the fourth time I've taken it out and somehow managed to get the hood stuck (I'm guessing over the lip of whatever is supposed to stop it... didn't in my case). Anyone else run into this? Any suggestions (other than a big hammer)?
Only about the fourth time I've taken it out and somehow managed to get the hood stuck (I'm guessing over the lip of whatever is supposed to stop it... didn't in my case). Anyone else run into this? Any suggestions (other than a big hammer)?
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Bad, Joel...:whip
Just keep wiggling it a little harder each time.
Other than the "no hammer" clause, I should have added the "no, I won't send it to you for evaluation" clause. Luckily I bought a big enough LowePro backpack so it fits with hood attached... and yes, I do resemble a Sherpa when going to location. On my Vespa, no less. Well, a Scots-Irish-looking Sherpa. Guess I'll try the wiggle approach. Thanks all.
lightly smack the hood near the back of the hood. You may need to "walk"
your hand around the hood.
Happens all the time.
Then the tightening mechanism (I believe the technichal term is "thingy") fell off the hood. Guess I'll have to baby it. Many thanks.
I hate that. Trying to bang that thing off sucks.
I'm not sure which backpack you have but I can't get mine and the body
into the case with hood on (I ride around on the m/c with it too
tighten the ring on the hood too.
Glad you got it straightened out.
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Toby, You don't even have to tap it, just loosen up the screw all the way and push down on the hood at the screw location. You can either push on the screw directly or put a thumb on either side of the screw on the hood and push toward the lens body. What happens when you tighten the screw is that it sucks the hood up into the groove that it is supposed to be in but on the opposite side of the screw (or lens) so you just have to push it back out of the groove.
Since it is made out of Carbon Fiber it flexes, but when you loosen the screw it doesn't go back into the original shape, but that is fine because the Carbon Fiber is so strong it won't hurt it.
I just loosen the screw and push down on either side of the screw on the hood, or on the screw itself, I don't tap it cause you could drop the hood or the lens if you aren't holding on to both and you don't want to have to replace either one. Word is the hood is in the $400.00 range.
But if tapping works for you then I guess that is okay too, just hold on to both so they don't get away from you.
This works fine for me every time.
Prescott Photog, Chris - " One Shot, One Still "
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