need help, meeting with a modeling agency
Hello all, I was hoping I could get some advice on how to proceed. I have a meeting scheduled next week with the owner of a modeling agency.
This agency has been hosting meets and greets to introduce her models to local photographers. So far, I've just taken some pics and sent her to my website to check them out. She says she loves my images and we schedule a meeting.
But from here, I'm at a loss. What do I take to the meeting? Do I take prints or images on CDs? Have you ever worked with a modeling agency before? What can I expect? This could be an important meeting and I would like to begin a business relationship with this company, but I don't know what to do. Any help would be appreciated.
Check out the images under my Fashion gallery on The company is called Poise. Thank you!
This agency has been hosting meets and greets to introduce her models to local photographers. So far, I've just taken some pics and sent her to my website to check them out. She says she loves my images and we schedule a meeting.
But from here, I'm at a loss. What do I take to the meeting? Do I take prints or images on CDs? Have you ever worked with a modeling agency before? What can I expect? This could be an important meeting and I would like to begin a business relationship with this company, but I don't know what to do. Any help would be appreciated.
Check out the images under my Fashion gallery on The company is called Poise. Thank you!
Sheba Wheeler -- Picture Your World Photography
I would print about 10 to 15 of my best shots, and take them with me.
I think the real key is know why you’re going, and what you would like to have happen.
Basically .......have a plan. If you want to be their paid photographer, think about what you need to charge to make you happy. If on the other hand you just want to shoot for the experience, that's your choice too. Just have a plan, and know what you want, and where the line is where you just walk away.
I liked your work, and don't think you should be giving it away.
Good luck!
One of the things I'm going to do is do some research about "the business of photography" and put together a formal portfolio this weekend to take with me to the meeting on Wednesday.
Not sure if you know this, but all your photos are selling at cost?
This your plan?
You havent set pricing for any of the photos on your site so if someone as t purchase them they would be purchasing them at YOUR SmugMug price. You would make no money on them.
I hope you read what I posted on CO4x4...
DeNic Photography | Portfolio | Group Blog
Canon 50D | 50 1.8 | 17-50 2.8 | 70-200 4L
Just like was previously said - you are selling your work for FREE! Not sure if that was intentional or an oversite. Maybe I'll buy a few quickly before you catch on
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
For you to drum up business, such as doing their headshots?
Or is it because the agency is trying to sell YOU on hiring their models for your photo shoots?
A model agency represents the models (i.e. their agent) and gets a % of what the models earn. So the purpose of the meet and greets is so local photographers know what type of models the agency represents. In order for the photographers to hire the models.
Most of the time, a model will work with a photographer on a quid pro quo basis - you get free use of a model for shots for YOUR portfolio, the model gets FREE shots of themselves for THEIR portfolio. Only the top notch, established photographers get paid for their headshot work. Sometimes a modest sitting fee can be made to weed out the less than sincere, but the models usually have limited funds.
Realize I am speaking in generalities. There are always exceptions. Good luck!
-Fleetwood Mac
the supply chain seems to be reversed here. as a fashion photographer you would most likely (or eventually) hire models you deem appropriate for your shoots (or this might also be done by an ad agency, creative director or the client of record for a shoot)
a modeling agency would not necessarily be hiring you. so be alert to what you're being asked for.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
I have my first private shoot with about seven of her models this Sunday! She only has three Denver area photogs she is working with, and I'm the third one!