My pictures : West & Deep Space
Hi Guys,
I am new on this group.
My name is Florent (35), I live in France 40 miles from Paris in a small village.
My two subjects in photography are the West of the US and the Deep Space (galaxies, nebulas).
You can discover my work on my web site (in english & in french) at :
My last deep space picture :
The Whirlpool galaxy located 37 million light-years from the Earth. 17hrs of exposures, on 6 nights have been necessary.
And my last pictures of the West, taken in June, are here :
I hope to stay with you for a long time.
Enjoy !!!!!
Warmest Regards,
I am new on this group.
My name is Florent (35), I live in France 40 miles from Paris in a small village.
My two subjects in photography are the West of the US and the Deep Space (galaxies, nebulas).
You can discover my work on my web site (in english & in french) at :
My last deep space picture :
The Whirlpool galaxy located 37 million light-years from the Earth. 17hrs of exposures, on 6 nights have been necessary.
And my last pictures of the West, taken in June, are here :
I hope to stay with you for a long time.
Enjoy !!!!!
Warmest Regards,
What in the world did you use to get such a shot? Did you use film and just re-expose the same frame for the 6 nights, or did you combine 6 shots in photoshop? I have no idea about how you went about getting this shot, but I sure would like to know...
"Your decisions on whether to buy, when to buy and what to buy should depend on careful consideration of your needs primarily, with a little of your wants thrown in for enjoyment, After all photography is a hobby, even for pros."
~Herbert Keppler
After the Deep Space, another world :
About the West of the US, I use my Nikon F4 camera with Fuji Provia 100 ISO slide films. A professionnal photographer digitalizes my best slides in high resolution. After that, i prepare them for big prints in a professionnal laboratory.
About my deep space images, I use my SBIG ST-10XME CCD camera using one Kodak KAF-3200ME Black & White CCD chip. I take several images and I combined them to have one final image.
To know more about my astronomical camera you can visit the page of SBIG company :
About my Whirlpool galaxy image, this is my telescope i used for it. I am the guy close to the telescope :
The telescope uses a carbon fiber tube to avoid the temperature effects on the focus point, the mirrors.
The big black object under the telescope is my heavy Losmandy TITAN equatorial mount with its two servo motors controlled by the onboard computer. With it, the telescope can follow the stars, the objects taken in the night.
Close to my hand, the small black object is my ST-10XME CCD camera connected on my HP 9530ef laptop computer.
welcome Florent
Gallery of mine...caution, it's under CONSTANT construction! | Photo Journal
In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary. ~Aaron Rose
Thank you so much for your welcome. I hope i could post other astronomical images very soon if the weather is good in november. I began an image about another galaxy.
I continue to work on the slides taken in the West of the US on June.
Warmest Regards,