appearing at the top of a search engine.

How do I get to make my site appear at the beginning of a search engine.
Under a search of "Samuel Bedford" therers not that many entries of interest so I am guessing that it can't be so hard (unlike calling yourself Disney for example).
Flickr account appears slam at the top, because of the relationship.
I will keep my fingers crossed this is possible.
Any suggestions welcome.
Under a search of "Samuel Bedford" therers not that many entries of interest so I am guessing that it can't be so hard (unlike calling yourself Disney for example).
Flickr account appears slam at the top, because of the relationship.
I will keep my fingers crossed this is possible.
Any suggestions welcome.
Try reading this...
Michael - main website - smugmug site
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
1 - If "Samuel Bedford" is the search term you want, take the 'LT' out of your page title. Google and Yahoo! like it when the string is uninterrupted. In fact, "Samuel Bedford" doesn't appear a single time anywhere on your homepage.
2 - Go public. Every single one of your galleries is private and most are passworded. That's going to hurt.
Andy: I aint never seen that page, clear and succinct. I have a few questions.
1) If I add keywords and hide them will that benefit my search? If I am most interested in searches by my nameshould I key word my images with my name "samuel Bedford" and that would work?
2) Looking at the blog examples. BarB's blog is actually a gallery page and not an external blog host . Does the blog have to be like this, or does my blogger blog count?
3) If nobody reads your blog (which is very likely) is this aspect any help.
4) descriptions i feel look bad on my pages. If I add them and hide them will that work? If a description does not include my name will that have any effect on searches for my name?
5) bio description (same concerns as above)?
SHEAF: Samuel LT bedford no longer exists anywhere on by site exept in the grey background on the banner of my "Vanity page". If you can show me where you see it I will change.
2) I see samuel bedford in my domain name, vanoty page, contacts, but not within portfolio is this what you refer to as my home page? should I include it here?
3) reg. the privacy of my galleries. The only one I would like to make public is my "portfolio" but it was suggested to me that the design I wanted to create required that I make this private and link to it through my nav bar (otherwise you see a little portfolio folder under the nav bar and it doesn't look very proffessional).
Is it that detrimental to a search. I dont want ot compromise this aspect of my design.