Portrait Photog in Charlotte,NC Area?
Hey guys,
Since our wedding pictures blew chunks :puke (see previous DG threads) Daphne and I have decided to spend some money getting the MOTB and MOTG the pictures they really wanted from the wedding - full shots of the bride in her dress and all its full-train glory.
I had planned on calling some of the places in the phone book, but thought I'd check on here first to see if any of you were in the area or knew of anyone. We could travel for this too, I guess (assuming we can get her hair done somewhere else) - so Atlanta, Raleigh, Columbia, etc. aren't out of the question.
Since our wedding pictures blew chunks :puke (see previous DG threads) Daphne and I have decided to spend some money getting the MOTB and MOTG the pictures they really wanted from the wedding - full shots of the bride in her dress and all its full-train glory.
I had planned on calling some of the places in the phone book, but thought I'd check on here first to see if any of you were in the area or knew of anyone. We could travel for this too, I guess (assuming we can get her hair done somewhere else) - so Atlanta, Raleigh, Columbia, etc. aren't out of the question.
We'd love to - but I think it might cause us to slightly overrun our "gifts" budget for this year. :cry
That's cool. If you change your mind let me know! :photo
Also you can search Dgrin members by location go to Shooters, search members, then advanced search.
Even if you don't find a smugmugger that can do it, they more than likely could make a recommendation.
I've seen her work... really good.
There's Randy... http://www.carolina-sportsphotography.com/.. but I think he only does sports... but he just showed us some really great portraits in the people thread!!
Someone I've never met, but her website looks great...
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Great idea, thanks!
Thanks for these, I'll check them all out!
South Charlotte, huh? We can't live too far from one another then! We lived down in the Carmel Rd. area up until a few months ago but now are living in Landsdowne. Small world....
I think the challenge of this is that a portrait photog like Heather wants to sell me prints, and wants to take lots of different shots over a several hour shoot, etc. I'm really just looking for a handful of shots and I want the digital files, not prints. I'd try it myself, but something tells me I'd end up spending a lot of $$ on a backdrop and lighting that I probably wouldn't use much going forward.
Thanks for the help folks - keep the ideas coming!
Sorry to hear about your photos. Check out this guy www.cielostudios.com. He's pretty good. There's also www.mikecarollphotography.com. And, lastly there's www.memoriesink.net These guys are in Charlotte, NC.
Let us know how it works out.
Now which one of you fine folks wants to donate an airline ticket to Charlotte for Shay?
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I really appreciate the offer! I think I've decided just to buy a backdrop and light and do it myself - I think the cost will come out about the same and it gives me an excuse to get some new equipment!
P.S. You need to obfuscate your e-mail address so spam bots don't get it!
[angela -at - whatever - dot- com) or some such.
I just spoke to a photog here in Charlotte (whose portrait work I have seen online and was impressed by) who gave me the following options:
These seem really reasonable to me....
Sounds good to me!! Good luck!! If you don't mind... do they have a website? Care to share?!?!
Interested in hearing cc
Hello ....
I might suggest me www.greendoorimaging.com.... BUT I do not give image files.. my print prices are affordable.. Also check out the Light Factory in Charlotte. Great Place and wonderful resource for fabulous photographers..
Cheers and Good Luck.
Greendoor Imaging
"My portraits are more about me than they are about the people I photograph. ~Richard Avedon"
I appreciate the offer and info. Owning the digital files is key for me, so that's a dealbreaker.