Personally I don't like the crop it makes it look like the first 2 legs
belong to the first girl.
I saw your Awards Banquet shots they look great ... Skippy
Hmmm, I can see your point. I struggled with the crop for a little while, and almost went with one that was lower on the bottom edge to include the top portion of each girl's second leg. But I quickly discarded that idea because I didn't want this to be a "crotch-shot," which is what would have resulted.
Truth be told, this was an attempt on my part to rescue an otherwise disastrous photo. The area that you see in the cropped shot is relatively well focused, but the rest of the image (their faces, their hair, their feet) suffered from serious motion blur, and not in the good artistic kind of way. So, really, I was just trying to push the crop to extremes and add a tiny creative twist to give an image destined for the dust bin one more shot at life.
Oh well, if it didn't work, it didn't work. Time of death: 11:27 am.
I like the crop and instantly could see why you avoided going lower out of
good taste. Nice judgement call! So many times a so so shot still has
a really good shot in it. Think you found it. Michael
I like the crop and instantly could see why you avoided going lower out of
good taste. Nice judgement call! So many times a so so shot still has
a really good shot in it. Think you found it. Michael
i'm afraid the first thing i noticed was the apparent giant pluck of armpit hair on the girl on the right.
Ha!! How funny!
I can see how it would look like that. But let me assure you, this young lady was well groomed. What you are seeing is long hair from her pony-tail that is swinging and coming into view under her raised arm. Your comment made me laugh. Thanks!
I see that you chose to use selective coloring......It would be interesting to see the original.....The young lady on the right seemes to have some color in her costume.......Maybe color would be a stronger composition. azzaro
Personally I don't like the crop it makes it look like the first 2 legs
belong to the first girl.
I saw your Awards Banquet shots they look great
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Hmmm, I can see your point. I struggled with the crop for a little while, and almost went with one that was lower on the bottom edge to include the top portion of each girl's second leg. But I quickly discarded that idea because I didn't want this to be a "crotch-shot," which is what would have resulted.
Truth be told, this was an attempt on my part to rescue an otherwise disastrous photo. The area that you see in the cropped shot is relatively well focused, but the rest of the image (their faces, their hair, their feet) suffered from serious motion blur, and not in the good artistic kind of way. So, really, I was just trying to push the crop to extremes and add a tiny creative twist to give an image destined for the dust bin one more shot at life.
Oh well, if it didn't work, it didn't work. Time of death: 11:27 am.
Thanks for the input, Skippy!
good taste. Nice judgement call! So many times a so so shot still has
a really good shot in it. Think you found it.
Ahh... Resurrection! Thanks, Michael.
Ha!! How funny!
I can see how it would look like that. But let me assure you, this young lady was well groomed. What you are seeing is long hair from her pony-tail that is swinging and coming into view under her raised arm. Your comment made me laugh. Thanks!
shiny new thoughts are recycled clatter
down to my cell phone shooter,
anyone have a decent early SD card digtal for grabs?
a doomed love