My own printer or send out?
This might have an obvious reply from you all, but havening never gone that route of printing pictures and offering them on my website, the question remains. Should I try to buy my own printer, even though living on the road I am cramped for space!... or order out as I would with SmugMug... Cost effectiveness mainly as I am sure SmuMug will do the best there is.
Thanks... Ara
Thanks... Ara
The Oasis of my Soul our Blog and Life Therapy...
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On the road, homeless, with my buddy Spirit...
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On the road, homeless, with my buddy Spirit...
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1) You enjoy it (and sometimes I do, especially with large prints)
2) You need prints instantly (never an issue for me)
I doubt there's any scenario where it's more cost effective.
I have used MPIX in the past for their metallic prints & B+W. I am looking at doing some large 'standard' color prints in the near future and plan on giving SmugMug a try.
-Fleetwood Mac
Besides, I doubt if any printer you buy comes w/ a 100% satisfaction guarantee!
I thought that would be the answer, I cannot see adding one more piece of machinery here!
That is great... I appreciate the replies, specially Andy, I know how busy you are.
Be well...
Ara... and Spirit
My Gallery in progress...
On the road, homeless, with my buddy Spirit...
Thanks for the replies... SmugMug it is!!!
Be well...
My Gallery in progress...
On the road, homeless, with my buddy Spirit...
Good decision. I have a nice Canon i9900 wide printer that has been sitting idle for a good six months. I used to refill my ink cartridges and all that-- but it seemed like every time I wanted to print something, I'd need to refill one cartridge or another. Then the printer sat idle for a few weeks and the head got clogged and I just haven't had the patience to work it all out. So the printer just sits there...
... still, can't help but eye the Epson 2400, but that's more a case of "I wants" than "I needs"!
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
website blog instagram facebook g+
I've got somewhere that 9900 could call home if you are looking for somewhere to donate it!
Not just yet... unless you want to trade for an Epson 2400?
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
website blog instagram facebook g+
Canon 30D
Canon 24-70mm F2.8L
Canon 70-200mm F2.8L
Canon 430EX Flash
I have some thinking to do again it seems like...
Be well...
Ara & Spirit
My Gallery in progress...
On the road, homeless, with my buddy Spirit...
If you want to print on your own, go for it. If your just trying to save a few pennies, you may find it's a wash.
If you do think more about photo printing. You might want to look into dye-sub printers. Easy example: kodak easy share printer. Most dye-sub's also give a waterproof coat on top of their photos, so you can really put a beating on a photo and it will hold up. Something that comes off a HP Photosmart 8750 (I use mine for graphic design proofs, not photos) will get a bit wet and it's pretty much game over...
3) Customer won't wait... I guess that would be more of a 2) B. Customer won't wait
Keith - Champion Photo