New Fish

I just bought this (one of two) Wednesday. It’s one of my two baby German Blue Rams,
and I think it’s a male and the other’s the female.
They’re one of the most colorful fish on the market of the freshwater breed.
Some are more colorful than others. Mine here is mostly blue and lemon with a hint of aqua on its face.
The picture is blurry, but the color is nice. Hope this fish catches your eyes.:D
Hi Kilo it's very colourful even though as you said the image is blurry.
Blurry shots look even worse if you blow them up.
Hopefully the other fish wont eat this one, as colour as it is
... Skippy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Thank you!
Yeah I know, but I didn't blow it up. This is TinyPic's doing. I never blow up my pictures.
Nah, the fish won't get eaten by the others. All my fish are peaceful, but every once in
awhile I might have a bully who I have to return to the fish store. This GBR [Cichlid] is peaceful
like the Tetras. In fact, this small GBR chases the one big Kribensis I have, but then it
turns around and chases it back.
more peaceful than my Tetras, and Tetras are suppose to be the most peaceful of all.