SOLD: Panasonic DMC-L1 DSLR camera/Leica 14-50mm zoom lens combo!
All accessories/instructions unopened in box. only 10 images on camera, yes, that's right, TEN.
It's truly like brand new. I am keeping the one with more use.
See my L1 gallery here to see what these combo's are capable of.
Be sure to view page 2 of images, as there are some, I think, special ones there.
For someone looking to enter the DSLR world on a budget, but with expectations for high grade image quality, you may wish to consider this combo since it includes everything you need. A D80 with 17-55 lens would cost approximately 1800-1900 new if my estimates are correct.
I will include a 512 mb Leica SD card to get you started.
Please see my gallery of shots taken with the Panasonic L1 with the sparkling Leica 14-50mm zoom lens.
Here are a couple of my favorites:

All accessories/instructions unopened in box. only 10 images on camera, yes, that's right, TEN.
It's truly like brand new. I am keeping the one with more use.
See my L1 gallery here to see what these combo's are capable of.
Be sure to view page 2 of images, as there are some, I think, special ones there.
For someone looking to enter the DSLR world on a budget, but with expectations for high grade image quality, you may wish to consider this combo since it includes everything you need. A D80 with 17-55 lens would cost approximately 1800-1900 new if my estimates are correct.
I will include a 512 mb Leica SD card to get you started.
Please see my gallery of shots taken with the Panasonic L1 with the sparkling Leica 14-50mm zoom lens.
Here are a couple of my favorites:
